Manage WFM user information

View and edit user information, for example their name and email address or information about their employment, team, skills, and workflow control set.

All changes made in the web People tool are logged. Check the General Audit Trail report to see what changes were made, by who and when.

NOTE   All searches in the People tool are dependent on the selected date. This is useful for example to find users who have a start date in the future or to find who worked in a team on a given day in the past. This can also be used to check for example if a future team change has already been configured and if it was done correctly.

IMPORTANT   If a user is going to use more products in the suite than WFM and Data Explorer, the user must also be added in Application Management. See Create and edit users for QM, Analytics, and Insights for more information.


  • You have the Web > People permission and if needed additional underlying permissions.

    • Add new employees to enter details for a new user or agent.
    • Edit basic person information to change the note or the start date for a user or agent.
    • Edit employment details to change agents' contract, contract schedule, part-time percentage, shift bag or budget group.
    • Manage leaving date to enter or remove a leaving date.
    • Manage site/team to move agents to a new team.
    • Manage skills to add skills to agents.
    • View employment number to see a user’s or agent’s employment number.
    • View optional columns to see and edit the information entered in any optional columns.
    • View users to see existing users who are not connected to a team, and add new users.

Page location

WFM > People > Basic info tab


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