Make a dashboard the default homepage for a role

You have the perfect dashboard for agents, and you want them to see it as their homepage when they log in. Or, you’ve created a dashboard that you want all the team leaders to use. (The Agent Profile Dashboard is popular for both of these examples.)

For roles created in QM or Analytics

  • The role was created on the Application Management > Roles page.
  • The role does not have the Data Explorer, Content Creation, or Content Publishing permissions. See Manage roles and permissions for QM, Analytics, and Insights.
  • You own the dashboard. To make a dashboard that you don’t own into a default homepage, copy the dashboard.
  1. On the Data Explorer page, right-click the dashboard and select Tag from the drop-down list. The Tags window opens.
  2. Enter c1_role_ and then the name of the role.

    IMPORTANT    The role name must match the name that your organization uses. A list of roles is available on Application Management > Global > User Configuration > Roles.

    To add a role whose name is one word, enter the name.

    EXAMPLE   c1_role_Agent

    To add a role whose name is multiple words separated by spaces, enclose the tag in double quotes.

    EXAMPLE   “c1_role_East Coast Team Leader”

    To add multiple roles at the same time, enter them one after the other separated by a space.

    EXAMPLE   c1_role_Evaluator “c1_role_East Coast Agent”

  3. Click Add Tag.
  4. Click OK. The Tag window closes.

For roles created in WFM

Step 1: Find the role ID

  • The role was created on the WFM > Permissions page.
  • The role does not have the Data Explorer or Content Creation permissions. See How WFM function permissions work.
  • You own the dashboard. To make a dashboard that you don’t own into a default homepage, copy the dashboard.
  • On the Permissions page, click Edit (the pencil icon) next to the role. The Edit [role name] window opens. The role ID is at the top of the window next to the role name.

Step 2: Tag the dashboard with the role ID

  1. On the Data Explorer page, right-click the dashboard and select Tag from the drop-down list. The Tags window opens.
  2. Enter wfm_role_ and then the role ID.

    EXAMPLE   wfm_role_Teamleader

    To add multiple role IDs at the same time, enter them one after the other separated by a space.

    EXAMPLE   wfm_role_Teamleader wfm_role_Agent

  3. Click Add Tag.
  4. Click OK. The Tag window closes.

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