Format axes and grid lines on visual types in Insights
When you create a chart in Insights, axis lines, axis labels, axis sort icons, and grid lines are added to the chart automatically. You can format your visuals to show or hide these if you want, and also customize the axis label size and orientation.
You have the Insights Author license.
You have the Create Content permission.
You have added these visuals to your analysis:
Bar charts
Box plot charts
Combo charts
Line charts
Scatter plots
Waterfall charts
Page location
Insights > Analyses > Click an analysis > Click a visual > Properties panel > Expand the axis that you want to format
Show or hide the axis line
Click the eye icon next to Axis line to show or hide the axis line.
Show or hide axis titles
Click the eye icon next to TITLE to show or hide the axis title.
Customize axis titles
To change the title from the default field name, enter a title in the text box.
NOTE In addition to the chart types listed previously in this topic, you can also customize the axis titles in pie charts, donut charts, funnel charts, heat maps, and tree maps.
Show or hide the sort icon
When you choose to remove the sort icon, the sort icon is removed from the axis. Any sorts that were applied to the visual before removing the icon are not removed from the visual.
Click the eye icon next to Sort to show or hide quick sort icon.
NOTE In addition to the chart types listed previously in this topic, you can also show or hide the sort icon in pie charts, donut charts, funnel charts, heat maps, and tree maps.
Show or hide the data zoom
Click the eye icon next to Data zoom to show or hide data zoom.
The data zoom bar appears automatically on charts with an X-axis that contain more than one data point. Adjust the bar from the left and right to zoom to specific data points in the chart.
NOTE Zoom in or out using the data zoom bar. If you then hide the data zoom bar, the zoom position isn’t maintained. The visual zooms completely out to include all data points. Show the data zoom bar again to return the visual to its previous state.
Show or hide labels
Click the Labels toggle to enable or disable labels on the visual.
Specify number of data points
Enter a value to specify the Number of data points to show.
Show or hide grid lines
Click the eye icon next to Grid lines to show or hide the grid lines.
Change the label size
Click the Label size drop-down, and select a size.
Change the label orientation
For Label orientation, click an option to select the orientation.
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