Create and run a payroll export

Use this view to export payroll information to a file which can be used to import data to other applications. First follow the steps in the payroll wizard to do choose the type of export, the agents to export data for and for which period. When the settings are done, the export will run automatically.

Choose to either create a new payroll export each time you run an export or create the payroll exports needed and then update person and period selection each time before you run it.

If the content of the standard payroll exports does not fulfill your requirements, a customized payroll export can be set up to handle the specific requirements of the receiving payroll system and the rules regarding for example absences and overtime. Read more in How exporting payroll data works.


This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

  • You have the Payroll integration permission.
  • The agents have the required information defined.

    • Employment number
    • An active person period
    • Site and team
    • Contracts
  • Multiplicators are created to define the compensation levels.
  • Multiplicator definition sets are created to define when extra compensation applies.
  • Multiplicator definition sets for shift allowance and overtime are connected to the agents' contracts.
  • The activities and absences used in the schedule have the required information defined.

    • Name
    • If it is contract time
    • If it is work time
    • If it is paid time
    • Payroll system code
  • The days off used in the schedule have the required information defined.

    • Payroll system code
  • If you are using Azure Virtual Desktop, see Manage export of files on AVD for details on how to handle the exports.

Page location

Client > Payroll integration


Create and run a new payroll export

Follow the steps to create a new payroll export.

  1. Click New.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Enter a Name for the export. This is used to identify the payroll export when reusing it later. It could for example describe the agent selection.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the Type of export file to create. The standard payroll export file options are an activities export, a time export and a detailed export. Read more in Standard payroll export file formats. If there are customized payroll exports set up, those are shown as options here.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the Period to export data for.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the Persons to export data for.

    Include the whole business unit or choose sites, teams or persons by selecting the corresponding check boxes. It is also possible to select persons based on group pages, for example which contract they have. When working with the standard export files, you often need to make manual adjustments to the files before importing them to the payroll system. Therefore, it is common to export all persons at once and do any manual changes needed in the exported file.

  10. Click Finish. The payroll export starts running automatically. When the export is finished, download the export file.

Download the export file

When the export is finished, download the export file.

  1. Click on the export in the left-hand list of exports. Each time the export has run is shown as a row in the table on the right.
  2. Click the run to download the file for. The latest run is always at the top.

    The Detailed information section for a run shows the type of export, the time period and the number of persons included.

    NOTE   If the circle is not green, the export is not ready.

  3. Click Save as in the Detailed information section.
  4. Name the file and select where to save it.

    The file is downloaded and ready to import to the payroll system or to open to make manual adjustments.

Change scope of a payroll export

Adjust the period or person selection of a previously created payroll export.

  1. Right-click on the export in the left-hand list of exports and select Properties.
  2. Adjust the name of the export if needed.
  3. Click Period selection and adjust the period.

    IMPORTANT   If new agents have started in a team in the new period to export, they will not automatically be selected in the export even if the whole team was selected before. Ensure to add them manually.

  4. Click Person selection and adjust the persons selected.
  5. Click OK. The export will not automatically run. Run the export manually.

Run an existing payroll export

Run an export again.

  1. Right-click on the export in the left-hand list of exports and select Run selected export.
  2. When the export is finished, download the export file.

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