How extra compensation works

This section contains useful information for when agents are entitled to compensation for working overtime and to shift allowance for working evenings, weekends and holidays.


Overtime is time worked in addition to the contract time. Overtime can be compensated either monetary or by compensatory time off. When overtime is added to an agent's schedule, both an activity and a multiplicator definition set need to be selected. This defines what the agent should do and how they should be compensated. The multiplicator definition sets available to select are the ones connected to the agent's contract.

Overtime compensation is automatically applied in payroll exports if all the following conditions are met:

  • There is a multiplicator definition set for overtime and each multiplicator used in the definition set has a payroll system code.
  • A multiplicator definition set for overtime is selected on the agent's contract.
  • The overtime activity is set as paid time.

An agent who works overtime will be compensated for the overtime according to the multiplicator definition set. In the standard payroll exports, the agent will not receive extra compensation if working overtime during a time period that would have resulted in shift allowance for a regular shift.

In the standard payroll exports, if an agent is scheduled to work overtime but is absent, the agent will not be compensated for the overtime.

Shift allowance

Shift allowance is extra compensation for working for examples evenings, weekends and major holidays. Shift allowance is never added to the schedule. It is calculated automatically based on the shift allowance configuration in combination with the scheduled activities and absences.

The shift allowance is automatically applied in payroll exports if all the following conditions are met:

  • There is at least one multiplicator definition set for shift allowance and each multiplicator used in the definition set has a payroll system code.
  • At least one multiplicator definition set for shift allowance is selected on the agent's contract.
  • The scheduled activity is set as contract time.

If an agent works in the evening of a bank holiday, the union agreement might state that the agent should be compensated for working in the evening on top of working on a holiday. Create one multiplicator definition set for evenings, nights and weekends and one for holidays. Connect both to the agent's contract. Then both shift allowances can be applied at once.

In the standard payroll export, agents do not get shift allowance for overtime hours. If that is a requirement, this can be set up in a customized payroll export.

If an agent was scheduled to work a shift where they would have been paid shift allowance but is absent that day, shift allowance is not paid.

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