Standard payroll export file formats

This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

When you run a payroll export, a comma-separated payroll data file is created. The content of the file depends on the type of export.

There are three standard payroll exports in WFM; time export, detailed export and activities export.

The time export and the detailed export are used together. The time export gives the scheduled contract time for each agent each day. The detailed export defines the deviations, such as absences, overtime and shift allowance.

The activity export contains the contract time, work time, paid time and payroll code for all activities in the given period.

The export file format can be customized to fit the specific requirements of the receiving payroll system and to handle requirements regarding for example absences, overtime, time zones or special rules. Read more in How exporting payroll data works.

Time export

The time export contains the listed parameters for each employee and day, in this order.

  • Employment number
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business unit name
  • Site name
  • Team name
  • Contract name
  • Part-time percentage name
  • Part-time percentage value (xxxxx, where the last two numbers are decimals)
  • Date (yyyy-MM-dd, in the time zone of the agent)
  • Start time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, in the time zone of the user running the export)
  • End time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, in the time zone of the user running the export)
  • Shift category name
  • Contract time (hh:mm)
  • Work time (hh:mm)
  • Paid time (hh:mm)
  • Absence payroll system code (if there is a full-day absence, otherwise left empty)
  • Day off payroll system code (if applicable, otherwise left empty)

The contract time, paid time and work time is based on if the activities and absences are set as contract time, paid time and work time in the activities and absences tables in Options.

NOTE   If there is more work time and paid time than contract time, that might indicate that the day has overtime. This is because scheduled overtime is not regarded as contract time. Overtime is included in the detailed export.


127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-05,2020-08-05 08:00,2020-08-05 17:00,Day,8:00,9:00,8:00,,

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-06,2020-08-06 08:00,2020-08-06 17:00,Day,8:00,0:00,8:00,HO111,

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-07,,,,0:00,0:00,0:00,,DO222

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-08,2020-08-08 15:00,2020-08-08 22:00,Late,7:00,8:00,7:00,,

Detailed export

The detailed export contains the listed parameters for each employee and day, in this order. If there are two deviations on the same day for an agent, there will be two rows in the detailed export for that agent on that day.

  • Employment number
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business unit name
  • Site name
  • Team name
  • Contract name
  • Part-time percentage name
  • Part-time percentage value (xxxxx, where the last two numbers are decimals)
  • Date (yyyy-MM-dd, in the time zone of the agent)
  • Payroll system code
  • Time (The duration of the deviation from the contract time, HH:mm)

If an absence is set as contract time, the absence time is included in the time export. The absence time is also included in the detailed export with the payroll system code for that absence type.

All overtime hours are stated in the detailed export with the payroll system code defined for that type of overtime.

NOTE   For scheduled overtime to be included in the detailed export, a multiplicator definition set which is effective for that date, time, and overtime type must be defined. For more information on how to set up multiplicator definition sets, see Set up rules for when extra compensation applies.

When agents work for example nights or weekends, shift allowance can be paid. This is controlled by the agents' multiplicator definition sets. The shift allowance can be paid for a part of the shift or the whole shift. The time period is stated in the detailed export file with the payroll system code defined for that type of shift allowance.


127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-05,HO111,07:30

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-06,OT150,02:45

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-07,IL111,10:30

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-08,OT250,04:45

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team A,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-08-09,HO111,10:15

Activities export

The activities export contains the listed parameters for each employee and each activity or absence, in this order.

  • Employment number
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Business unit name
  • Site name
  • Team name
  • Contract name
  • Part-time percentage name
  • Part-time percentage value (xxxxx, where the last two numbers are decimals)
  • Date (yyyy-MM-dd, in the time zone of the agent)
  • Start time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, in UTC)
  • End time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, in UTC)
  • Payroll system code
  • Contract time (hh:mm)
  • Work time (hh:mm)
  • Paid time (hh:mm)
  • Time (hh:mm, the actual duration of activity/absence)

The contract time, paid time and work time is based on if the activities and absences are set as contract time, paid time and work time in the activities and absences tables in Options.

Days off are not included in the export.



127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 07:00,2020-01-14 08:45,PH123,1:45,1:45,1:45,1:45

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 08:45,2020-01-14 09:00,SB111,0:15,0:15,0:15,0:15

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 09:00,2020-01-14 10:30,PH123,1:30,1:30,1:30,1:30

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 10:30,2020-01-14 11:15,LU111,0:00,0:00,0:00,0:45

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 11:15,2020-01-14 01:30,PH123,2:15,2:15,2:15,2:15

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 01:30,2020-01-14 01:45,SB111,0:15,0:15,0:15,0:15

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 01:45,2020-01-14 03:00,PH123,1:15,1:15,1:15,1:15

127,Ashley,Andeen,England Sales,London,Team Preferences,Fixed Staff,Full time,10000,2020-01-14,2020-01-14 03:00,2020-01-14 04:00,EM123,1:00,1:00,1:00,1:00

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