View detailed schedules (Schedules tool)

View the detailed schedules for your team in the Schedules tool. Your team is shown by default if you belong to a team. Use the filter or search to show the schedules for any team or site that you have permissions to view. You can also select other filters, such as skill or skill groups to show agents based on which skills they have.

The Schedules view contains a visual presentation of the shifts, sorted by shift start time. Hover any activity or absence with the mouse pointer to show what activity or absence it is and its start and end time.

Add activities and absences to the agents' schedules or use drag and drop to move activities or change the duration of an activity. See Make schedule changes (Schedules tool) for more information.

NOTE   If other users make schedule changes for the selected date and the selected teams, the Refresh button is available. Click the Refresh button to load the latest schedule changes.


  • You have the Web > Schedules permission.
  • You have the Web > Schedules > Export schedules permission to export schedules.
  • You have the Web > Schedules > Edit location permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View unpublished schedules permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View schedules permission.

Page location

WFM > Schedules


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