View detailed schedules (Schedules tool)
View the detailed schedules for your team in the Schedules tool. Your team is shown by default if you belong to a team. Use the filter or search to show the schedules for any team or site that you have permissions to view. You can also select other filters, such as skill or skill groups to show agents based on which skills they have.
The Schedules view contains a visual presentation of the shifts, sorted by shift start time. Hover any activity or absence with the mouse pointer to show what activity or absence it is and its start and end time.
Add activities and absences to the agents' schedules or use drag and drop to move activities or change the duration of an activity. See Make schedule changes (Schedules tool) for more information.
NOTE If other users make schedule changes for the selected date and the selected teams, the Refresh button is available. Click the Refresh button to load the latest schedule changes.
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- You have the Web > Schedules permission.
- You have the Web > Schedules > Export schedules permission to export schedules.
- You have the Web > Schedules > Edit location permission.
- You have the Global functions > View unpublished schedules permission.
- You have the Global functions > View schedules permission.
Page location
WFM > Schedules

Select the teams, sites, skills, or group pages for the agents. Combine several items to show agents with a specific combination of settings.
EXAMPLE The London and Paris sites and the Full-time contract are selected. The agents who have the Full-time contract and who work in either the London or the Paris site are shown.
NOTE You cannot select both skills and skill groups at the same time. If you select a skill, any previously selected skill group is removed from the selection, and the other way around.
- Click Select sites / teams / skills. When a selection is already made, the field shows the selected items.
- Click an arrow to expand the Sites, Skill, Skill groups, or any group page and then select the check boxes for the categories that you want to open. If there are many items in the list, type in the field to find an item more easily.

- Select the Search field.
- Enter the agent's name or an employee ID and select the Enter key. You can enter a full or partial employee ID.
NOTE You cannot display more than 500 agents at a time. If there is a limit error, you can limit the search criteria to view less agents.

- Click in the date field to select a specific date.
- Use the arrows next to the date field to go to the previous or next day.
NOTE The date you select affects which agents you see. For example, if you are viewing schedules for Team A, the list shows the schedule for the agents who belong to Team A on the selected date.

If you are in a different time zone than the selected agents, you can select an option to use your time zone or any of the agents’ time zones.
NOTE Agents who are in a different time zone than the currently selected time zone are indicated by a small globe icon next to their name.
- Click the globe icon for an agent to switch to their time zone, or click the time zone stated above the schedules and select what time zone to switch to.

- There are many different schedule changes that you can make in Schedules. See Make schedule changes (Schedules tool) for more information.

- Select a site, team, or skill or search a name to show an agent.
Hover the agent name and click the Agent info icon.
Basic information for the agent is shown. It includes the site and team the agent belongs to, the contract, contract schedule and part-time percentage that they are assigned, and the skills they have.

The shift category, with the short name and color, is shown to the left of the shift.
- Hover the shift category to see the full name.

View staffing to see how your schedule changes affects the staffing levels.
- Toggle Show staffing on.
- Staffing is shown for a summary of all skills related to the agents.
- Click any skill to show staffing levels for that particular skill.
- Hover the mouse pointer anywhere in the staffing view to show a line that indicates the same time in the view of the shifts. This also works the other way around.
- Select Use shrinkage to show the forecasted volume with shrinkage applied.
NOTE The staffing information is immediately updated by any changes to the forecast and by schedule changes made in the web scheduling tools or through requests. Changes made in the Schedules module in the WFM client are visible in the staffing view within an hour.

Turn on the warnings feature and select for which rules to show warnings. The warnings are displayed next to the shift category. You can hover the warning to show what rules are broken.
- Click Settings.
- Toggle Show warnings on.
- Select the check boxes for the work rules to show warnings for.

Show which location the agents are in.
- Click Settings.
- Toggle Show locations on.
- Click Locations to view the total number of agents at home or in the office. If you exceed the seat capacity, the number of agents appears in red. You can also view an agent's location beside their name.

Show which sites and teams the agents are in.
- Click Settings.
- Toggle Show team names on.

Apply a filter to only show shifts that contain a selected activity. This is useful to see who is scheduled on the activity that day, or to find who you could move from that activity to something that is more urgent.
- Click Filter.
- Toggle Show only shifts with a certain activity on.
Select the activity in the Select an activity drop-down menu.
Only shifts which contain the selected activity are shown.
- Toggle Show only shifts with a certain activity off when you want to remove the filter.

Apply a filter to only show agents with selected absences.
- Click Filter.
- Toggle Show only shifts with certain absences on.
All absences are selected by default. If there are some absences that you don't want to see, click X to remove them.
Only agents that have the selected absences are shown.
- Toggle Show only shifts with certain absences off when you want to remove the filter.

Save a frequently used search, so that you can reuse it later. The saved searches are personal and only shown to you.
- Perform the search that you want to save as a favorite. This can include selecting sites, teams, skills, and skill groups in the Select sites/teams/skills menu and typing a name in the Search name field.
- Click the Favorite search star.
- Enter a Name for the search.
- Click Save.

Show the results for a previously saved search.
- Click the Favorite search star.
- Select the search to open.
- The result from the search you selected is loaded.

Use one of your saved searches as the default search. The result for this search is loaded the first time you visit the Schedules tool after you log in.
- Click the Favorite search star.
- Hover the pointer over the search to set it as a default and click the star on that row. The star turns black to indicate that it is the default search.
- If you no longer want the search to load by default, click the black star.

Export schedule information to Excel for a selected team and date period. The schedule export shows the name, employment number, site, and team for each agent. You can choose to include the information of three optional columns.
The schedule information is presented in one column per day in the selected date period. For each agent and day, scheduled shifts are shown with the shift category short name and the start and end time. Days off and full-day absences are shown with the name of the day off or absence.
- Click Export schedules.
- Select the Groupings of agents that you want to export schedules for. You can select the agents based on business hierarchy, skills, skill groups, or group pages.
- Select the period to export schedules for. The maximum period to export for is 31 days.
- Select which Scenario to export schedules for.
- Choose a Time zone in which to show the start and end times.
- Click the Optional columns field and select the check boxes for the optional columns that you want to include. You can select a maximum of three optional columns.
- Click Save to run the export.
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