Use small multiples
Small multiples are copies of the same chart, each showing a different view of the same data. When you activate the small multiples feature, Insights creates a container or shelf of small visuals, presented side-by-side. Using small multiples is a way to get a holistic view of your business in an efficient and interactive way.
The following screenshots show examples of small multiples.
You have the Insights Author license.
- You have created a line, bar, or pie chart that you want to multiply (for instructions, see Use line charts, Use bar charts, or Use pie charts)
Page location
Insights > Analyses > Click an analysis
Add small visuals to your analysis
- Click the chart that you want to divide into multiple charts.
- Drag a dimension from the Data panel into the Small Multiples field well. The visual divides into many smaller visuals.
- Enlarge the container that holds the small multiples so that you can see all of them at once.
(Optional) To format the set of small multiples, click Format visual (the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the visual). The Properties panel opens. Expand Multiples Options to adjust the following settings:
- Visible rows
- Visible columns
- Number of panels
Title options
- Panel title (toggle)
- Font size and color
- Font weight
- Text alignment
Border options
- Panel border (toggle)
- Line thickness, style, and color
- Panel gutter (toggle), with an option for Spacing
- Panel background (toggle), with an option for Background color
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