Review scheduling issues

Review the schedule to check if there are any scheduling issues that requires you to act.

Are there any conflicting restrictions?

If you are scheduling with agent restrictions, such as preferences, rotations or availability, check if any of the restrictions are conflicting and would cause scheduling issues. For example, if an agent has added too many or too few days off in their preferences. Use the Restrictions view to follow up on this. This can be done even before scheduling. See Review conflicting restrictions for more info.

Is the period target fulfilled?

Ensure that the time and days off in the Current column matches the time and days off in the Target column for all agents. If it does not match, is the variation within the flexibility on the contract? Use the Schedule period tab in the Info panel to find out. See Review agent details for more information.

Are all days scheduled?

Ensure that all days in the period are scheduled for all selected agents, and that there are no white days in the schedule that do not have a shift. If you are using a fixed period contract time, this is in most situations visible when confirming if the period target is fulfilled.

Select the Include troubleshooting information check box when you schedule to show a message if there is a day where an agent cannot be scheduled.

If there is a day that is not scheduled, try to understand why. Use the schedule Editor to see if there is any manually scheduled activity or absence that might block the scheduling of a shift. Use the agent Info panel for information about for example the agent's contract settings, restrictions and shift setup. See Review agent details for more information.

Are any work rules broken?

Verify that no contract rules or other work rules are broken by the current schedule. Select the Validations button to show any validation warnings.

All validation warnings for the open period and the shown agents are also presented on the Validation alerts tab in the Info panel. See Follow up on validation warnings for more information.

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