Optimize schedule

Optimize: Get Started (length 4:22)

The optimization of the schedule reallocates days off and work shifts to make the staffing levels match the forecast as closely as possible. The optimization often needs to be run more than once for an optimal result.

There are seven optimization steps focusing on different aspects. Only run the ones that are relevant for your business. See How schedule optimization works for more information on what is done in each step.

You can run the optimization steps together or one step at a time. The benefit of running for example the days off step first is to be able to check the result and if needed run that step again, before continuing with the next step. If you do decide to run the steps separately, it is often most efficient to run them in the order that they are listed.


This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

  • You have the Schedules > Automatic scheduling permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View schedules permission.
  • You have the Global functions > Modify schedules permission and the underlying Modify assignment permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View unpublished schedules permission to optimize unpublished periods.

Page location

Client > Schedules > Open schedule


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