Share and subscribe to data in Insights
You have one of these licenses:
- (To create analyses and dashboards) Insights Author
- (To view dashboards) Insights Reader
- You have the View Content permission.
You have at least one of these permissions:
- View Analytics Data
- View Classic WFM Data
- View QM Data
- View WFM Data
- (To create analyses and dashboards) You have the Create Content permission.
- (To share dashboards) You have the Share Content permission.
Page location
Insights > Dashboards
A dashboard is a read-only snapshot of an analysis that you can share with other Insights users for reporting purposes. A dashboard preserves the configuration of the analysis at the time you publish it, including things like filtering, parameters, controls, and sort order. The data used for the analysis isn't captured as part of the dashboard. When you view the dashboard, it reflects the current data in the data sets used by the analysis.
When you share a dashboard, you specify which people have access to it. People who are dashboard viewers can view and filter the dashboard data. Any selections to filters, controls, or sorting that people apply while viewing the dashboard exist only while they are viewing the dashboard and aren't saved after it's closed. People who are dashboard owners can edit and share the dashboard and optionally can edit and share the analysis.
Topics in this section
Use the following pages to learn how to publish and share dashboards, subscribe to threshold alerts, and send and subscribe to dashboard email reports.
- Share an Insights analysis
- Publish an Insights dashboard
- Share an Insights dashboard
- Subscribing to email reports in Insights
- Print a dashboard or an analysis in Insights
- Export Insights analyses or dashboards as PDFs
- Error codes for failed PDF export jobs
- Organizing assets into folders for Insights