Automate QM workflows
Use the Workflow Administration page to determine which recordings to keep and which recordings to delete based on workflow rules, and to specify how long the recordings are retained. You can also use workflows to perform other tasks, such as assigning evaluations.
End of Interaction and Daily are the two event types that specify when a workflow is set to run. Once you select an event type, you then further configure the workflow’s rules. Rules are evaluated and followed in the order they appear on the Workflow Administration page until a matching rule is found. There is a Default(locked) rule that is always the last rule in the list. It can be modified, but it cannot be deleted.
Once the rules are set, you then create one or more conditions that the rule must follow. When the conditions for a rule are met, the actions configured for that condition are followed. These actions can range from inserting metadata, recycling contacts, keeping a percentage of recordings, and more.
This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.
- You have the Administer Workflow permission
- Create an active evaluation form if you want to assign a default evaluation form as a workflow action
Page location
Application Management > QM > QM Contact Flows > Workflow Administration
To create a complete workflow you must create a rule, create conditions for that rule, and then set up actions for the conditions you created.
Create a new rule
When you create a rule, you are creating a container for the conditions you want for your workflow.
Select End of Interaction Event or Daily Event.
End of Interaction Event—The workflow processes the recording at the end of a call.
Daily Event—The workflow processes all recordings once a day. If there are calls still being recorded when the Daily Event workflow is executed, those calls will be uploaded when the next Daily Event runs.
(Daily Events only) Enter the time for the Daily Event to run in the Time field.
Time —The time when workflow processing starts. This is also the start time for the recordings retention period. If the time is changed, the new time goes into effect immediately, and calls will be processed using the new time.
- Enter a name for the rule in the Name Field.
Click Save Rule. The rule is added to the workflow.
NOTE Selecting Save Rule does not save the entire workflow. Save workflows by clicking the Save button.
- Select the rule from the Rules list.
- (Optional) Use the keyboard arrows to change the order of the rules. Rules are generally followed in the order they appear on the Workflow Administration page.
Delete a rule
You can delete one rule at a time.
- Select a rule from the Rules list.
- Click Remove Rule.
- Click Save.
Create conditions for a rule
Each rule follows a set of conditions.
In the Conditions section, select All or Any from the Match drop-down list. When one or more conditions are set to an Any or All Match category, those conditions form a condition group.
All—The workflow must match all conditions in the condition group.
Any—The workflow must match any of the specified conditions in the condition group.
In the Conditions section, select an option from the Condition drop-down list.
- Agent, Group, or Team—You can select the name of an agent, group, or team as the value. The condition applies to the call recordings of this specific agent, group, or team only. If the name of the agent, group, or team is edited, Calabrio ONE automatically updates the value in your condition to match the new name.
- Call Direction—You can select Inbound or Outbound as the value. The condition applies to all inbound or outbound call recordings.
- Contact Type—You can select Call, Screen Only, Email, Text, Chat, or SMS as the value.
- All others—You can enter a string as the value. The condition applies to all call recordings that contain the specified string in their metadata.
Select an option from the Operator drop-down list.
- Contains—Search for values that contain the string in the Value field. This field is not case-sensitive. Contains implicit wildcards before and after the entered text. The asterisk ( * ) and question mark ( ? ) wildcards are allowed.
- Contained in list—Loads values from a file in a single column of values (or CSV). This automatically creates an Any condition group with the values. Each value allows the asterisk ( * ) and the question mark ( ? ) wildcards.
- Is—Search for an exact match. The asterisk ( * ) and the question mark ( ? ) wildcards are allowed.
Equals—Search for score values that match your specified value. Number conditions allow “Less than” ( < ), “Greater than” ( > ), and “Equals” ( = ) operators.
NOTE When you use the Equals operator, the Value field is case-sensitive. If you are uncertain about the case of the string in the Value field, use the “Contains” operator.
- Begins With— Search for values that begin with the string in the Value field.
- Less than—Search for score values that are less than your specified value.
- Greater than—Search for score values that are greater than your specified value.
- <metadata operator>—Choose the metadata field to use. The value works like an “Is” operator that allows asterisk ( * ) and question mark ( ? ) wildcards.
Select an option from the Value drop-down list. You can either select an option or enter a string, depending on the condition.
Wildcards can be used for both “Is” and “Contains” operators. “Contains” has implicit asterisk wildcards at the beginning and end of the text.
The asterisk wildcard ( * ) can represent any quantity of any characters, as long as the other characters in the string match.
EXAMPLE 61* matches any number that starts with 61, such as 6124, 61555, and 613.
The question mark wildcard ( ? ) can replace a single character in a string.
EXAMPLE 61?? matches any number that starts with 61 and is four digits long, such as 6124, 6125, and 6126.
- (Optional) Click + to add a condition, – to delete a condition, or
to create a new condition group and repeat steps 1 through 4 for the new condition or condition group.
- Click Save.
Create actions for a condition
Actions define what happens when the conditions for a rule are satisfied.
- Select and configure one or more of the following actions.
Retention Policy — An option for Keep <n> % of random voice, matching screen, and unmatched screen recordings. Choose the retention policy for the contacts that meet the workflow rules. The retention policy determines how long recordings are kept. The retention time starts based on the contact’s start time.
NOTE Only one retention policy is allowed per contact.
Retention Policy — An option for Keep <n> % of random voice recordings, matching screen recordings, unmatched screen recordings, and text interactions. Choose the retention policy for the contacts that meet the workflow rules. The retention policy determines how long recordings or text records are kept. The retention time starts based on the contact’s start time.
NOTE Only one retention policy is allowed per contact.
- Keep <n> % of random voice recordings Keep <n> % of <type> voice recordings — Keeps the specified percentage of voice recordings that match the specified type of contact.
- Keep <n> % of random matching screen recordings Keep <n> % of <type> screen recordings— Keeps the specified percentage of matching screen recordings that match the specified type of contact.
- Keep <n> % of random unmatched screen recordings Keep <n> % of <type> unmatched screen recordings— An unmatched screen is recorded without audio for screen-only contacts. This action keeps the specified percentage of unmatched screen recordings that match the specified type of contact.
- Keep 100% of text interactions—Use this action for text contacts. The 100% setting cannot be changed.
Immediate Upload — An option for Keep <n> % of random voice, matching screen, and unmatched screen recordings. Audio recordings and screen recordings (matched or unmatched) associated with this workflow are immediately uploaded after the workflow completes. In an End of Interaction workflow, the recording is uploaded immediately after the recording ends. In a Daily workflow, the recording is uploaded when the daily workflow is scheduled to run. If this option is not selected, the normal upload setting rules are in effect. This option applies to all recording types. If you change this option during the day, the change goes into effect immediately.
Files that are uploaded immediately can affect bandwidth.
BEST PRACTICE If you are using Desktop Recording without a staged upload server, select Immediate Upload to limit the potential loss of audio recordings that are waiting to be uploaded when an agent’s PC shuts down.
Recycle Immediately — Voice recordings, screen recordings, and text records go immediately to the recycle bin and are not processed by any other event.
A typical example is for Do Not Keep phone numbers in the End Of Interaction event. Contacts that have these phone numbers as Calling/Called should not be recorded. Selecting Recycle Immediately sends them to the recycle bin, and they are not processed again in the Daily Event. This prevents a Do Not Keep list from being maintained in both End Of Interaction and Daily events.
- Insert Metadata — Allows you to insert the text specified in the field into the user-defined metadata field for the contacts that meet the workflow. You can Manage custom metadata fields from the Metadata Manager page.
- Set the evaluation form to <Evaluation Name> — Select the evaluation form that you want to associate with contacts that meet the workflow.
- Set the reason for the interaction to <Reason> — Choose the reason that will be associated with this recording. If you do not choose a reason, Archive is assigned by default.
Set the survey form to <Survey Name> — Select the survey form you want to associate with contacts that meet the workflow conditions.
You must also select the Voice of the Customer (VoC) question and the evaluation threshold for that question. The VoC question must have a numeric answer format. If the customer’s response for the VoC meets the evaluation threshold you define, the associated contact is marked for evaluation.
Survey forms are sent by email. Enter the Send From email, Reply To email, sender name, and email subject. For more information about sending survey forms, see Configuring online survey providers.
NOTE If the value of this field is set to IVR, the Send From Email, Reply To Email, Sender Name, and Email Subject fields are not available.
- Click Save.
Use the Workflow Administration page to create, edit, or delete a workflow.
Configuring rules
Configure the rules for the workflow.
Field | Description |
Reset |
Restore the last saved changes to the section. |
Configuring conditions
Configure the conditions for the workflow. The conditions determine which contact meets a rule.
Field | Description |
Import |
Browse to a CSV or TXT file that contains a single column of data based on the selected condition. This button appears only when the operator is “Contained in list.” |
<number> Rows |
(Read-only) Displays the number of rows in the imported CSV file. |
(Export Table Data to CSV) Export the selected data to CSV. |
The following conditions are available by default. You can also select any custom metadata that you add.
Condition | Description |
Agent |
Applies only to the specific agent that you select as a value. The operator is Equals by default and cannot be changed. |
Group |
Applies only to the specific group that you select as a value. The operator is Equals by default and cannot be changed. |
Team |
Applies only to the specific team that you select as a value. The operator is Equals by default and cannot be changed. |
Agent First Name |
Applies to all users’ first names that match the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Agent Last Name |
Applies to all users’ last names that match the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Agent Username |
Applies to all users’ Windows logins that match the operator you select and the value you enter. In an Active Directory environment, this condition is the Active Directory login of your users. |
Agent Email |
Applies to all users’ user names that match the operator you select and the value you enter. In Calabrio ONE, this condition is the email address of your users. |
Team Name |
Applies to all teams that match the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Group Name |
Applies to all groups that match the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Call Direction |
Applies to all calls that match the direction you select: inbound or outbound. |
Call Duration (seconds) |
Applies to all calls whose length matches the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Calling Number |
Applies to all calls whose calling number matches the operator you select and value you enter. |
Called Number |
Applies to all calls whose called number matches the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Phone Number |
Applies to all calls whose calling number or called number matches the operator you select and the value you enter. |
Agent Length of Employment (days) |
Applies to all agents whose length of employment matches the operator you select and value you enter. |
Contact Type |
Applies to all contacts whose type matches the value you select. |
Configuring actions
Configure the actions for the workflow. The actions define what happens to contacts that satisfy the rules.
Field or button | Description |
Convert on Upload |
An option for Keep <n> % of Random voice, matching screen, and unmatched screen recordings. The server converts uploaded recordings from the recording format to the storage format. If you do not select this option, the recording is not converted until it is played back. Screen recording and storage formats are the same by default (WebM Video - VP8). For audio recordings, the recording format is encrypted OPUS, and the storage format is WebMA Audio - Vorbis. |
Related topics
- How workflow administration works—Learn more about workflow event types and how Calabrio ONE handles conflicting workflows.
- QM Quick Reference Guide to Workflows—Learn the basic principles of how workflows work.
- Manage workflow control sets—Create workflows for New WFM