Monitor scheduled bulk contact exports

Use the Bulk Contact Export Audit page to monitor the status of scheduled bulk contact exports.

IMPORTANT   Calabrio ONE has released an updated version of the bulk contact export audit monitoring page. The monitoring table you see on the page varies depending on if the updated version has been rolled out to your organization.


  • You have configured an external storage location for exported contacts to go to.
  • You have created a recurring or ad hoc bulk contact export. (Create these on the Interactions page.)
  • (To see exports created by other people in your organization) You have the View Bulk Contact Export permission.

Page location

Application Management > Global > Monitoring > Bulk Contact Export Audit


Access exported files

Exported files are located in the Exports folder on your configured external storage location. The files are ZIP files in CSV format. File names use the following naming convention: <“immediate” or “scheduled”>-<saved search name>-<datestamp>-<timestamp>

Updated bulk contact export audit monitoring table




The date and time the export was created.


The name given to the export by the person who created it.


The current state of the export job.

Contacts Evaluated

The total number of contacts that Calabrio ONE has processed. Calabrio ONE evaluates the search results to determine which contacts are valid, which means the contacts do have audio to export. The number of contacts evaluated may differ from the number of contacts exported if the results have valid and invalid contacts.

Invalid Contacts

The number of contacts that were deemed invalid after evaluation and are not be submitted for processing. An example of an invalid contact is a contact that does not have media to export.

Contacts Submitted

The total number of contacts submitted for a bulk contact export.

Contacts Exported

The number of files Calabrio ONE has successfully exported to your organization's external S3 bucket.

Job Owner

The name of the person who created the bulk contact export job.

Classic Bulk contact export monitoring audit table




When the export was created.


The name given to the export by the person who created it.

Export Status

The status of the export.

NOTE   If the status is Failed, the most common reason is problems communicating with the external storage location. Verify that it is possible to transfer files based on the credentials provided with a third-party tool (for example, Filezilla).

Task Count

The number of audio or video files that Calabrio ONE has attempted to convert, including failed conversions.

Tasks Queued

The number of files waiting to be converted to the export file format.

Tasks in Progress

The number of files currently being converted to the export file format.

Tasks Finished

The files that were successfully converted to the export file format.

Uploads Queued

The files that are waiting to be moved to the external storage location.

Uploads Succeeded

The files that were successfully moved to the external storage location.

Uploads Failed

The files that Calabrio ONE was unable to move to the external storage location.

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