Gamification tool (WFM)
Use gamification to motivate agents to perform better and to encourage agents who are performing well. Set up weekly or monthly game periods and award the agents who receive the highest number of badges in this period.
Use the measures imported from external systems or the built-in measures. The three built-in measures are Number of answered calls, Average handle time and Ready-time adherence. Use maximum three selected measures at the same time.
Badges based on the built-in measures are distributed each night based on the agents' performance the day before yesterday. The delay in calculating badges is to ensure that the data which the calculation is based on is available, as there might be agents in multiple time zones.
This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.
- Configure when to award badges in WFM
- Assign gamification rules to sites and teams in WFM
- Import external gamification data to WFM
- WFM gamification import requirements
- Recalculate badges for WFM
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