Format radar charts in Insights
Customize radar charts in Insights to arrange your data as needed. Customize the series style, start angle, fill area, and grid shape of radar charts.
- You have the Insights Author license.
- You have the Create Content permission.
- You have the View Content permission.
You have at least one of these permissions:
- View Analytics Data
- View Classic WFM Data
- View QM Data
- View WFM Data
- You have created a radar chart in Insights (see Use radar charts for instructions).
Page Location
Insights > Analyses > Click an analysis > Click a radar chart
Set the series style of a radar chart
- Click the Format visual icon in the upper-right corner of the visual. The Properties panel opens.
- Expand Radar Chart drop-down list.
- Under Series style, select the desired style.
Line: When selected, the polygons that are created by the data are outlined.
Area: When selected, the polygons that are created by the data are filled in.
Choose the start angle of a radar chart
- Click the Format visual icon in the upper-right corner of the visual. The Properties panel opens.
- Expand Radar Chart drop-down list.
- Under Start angle, enter the start angle value that you want.
Set the fill area of a radar chart
- Click the Format visual icon in the upper-right corner of the visual. The Properties panel opens.
- Expand Axis drop-down list.
- Toggle Fill grid lines on.
- (Optional) Select colors for the even and odd numbered grid lines.
Select the Even color icon then choose a color for the even numbered grid lines.
Select the Odd color icon then choose a color for the odd numbered grid lines.
Choose the grid shape of a radar chart
- Click the Format visual icon in the upper-right corner of the visual. The Properties panel opens.
- Expand Radar Chart drop-down list.
- Under Grid shape, select the desired shape. Choose between a POLYGON and a CIRCLE.
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