Filter data in Insights

You can use filters to refine the data in an analysis.

EXAMPLE   You filter on the range of dates that you want to include in any visuals in your analysis.

When you create a filter in an analysis, that filter applies only to that analysis and any dashboards you publish from it. If someone duplicates your analysis, the filter persists in the new analysis. In analyses, you can scope filters to a single visual, some visuals, all visuals that use this dataset, or all applicable visuals.

Also, when you create filters in an analysis, you can add a filter control to your dashboard. For more information about filter controls, see Add filter controls to analysis sheets.

Each filter you create applies only to a single field. You can apply filters to both regular and calculated fields.

There are several types of filters you can add to analyses. For more information about the types of filters you can add, and some of their options, see Filter types in Insights.

If you create multiple filters, all top-level filters apply together using AND. If you group filters by adding them inside a top-level filter, the filters in the group apply using OR.

Insights applies all of the enabled filters to the field.

EXAMPLE   There is one filter of state = WA and another filter of sales >= 500. The dataset or analysis contains only records that meet both of those criteria. If you disable one of these, only one filter applies.

NOTE   Take care that multiple filters applied to the same field aren't mutually exclusive.

Use the following sections to learn how to view, add, edit, and delete filters.
