Use the Insights start page


  • You have the Insights Reader permission.

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View available dashboards

  1. Click Dashboards in the side menu.
  2. Click a dashboard to open it.

View available analyses

  1. Click Analyses in the side menu. This is the default page when Insights opens.
  2. Click an analysis to open it.

View your list of favorite dashboards and analyses

  • Click Favorites in the side menu.

Add an item to your favorites

  • Click the star near the title of the dashboard or analysis so that the star is filled in.

Remove an item from your favorites

  • Clear the star near the item’s title.

Create a new analyses

  1. Click New analysis (upper-right corner of the page). The Your Datasets page opens.
  2. Click a dataset to start analyzing it. See Start an analysis in Insights for more information.

View datasets

  1. Click Datasets in the side menu. The Datasets page opens with a list of the datasets that you have access to. (If they don't all fit on one page, you can navigate between pages.)
  2. Click a dataset to see more information about it or to start analyzing it. See Start an analysis in Insights for more information.

Search for a dataset, analysis, or dashboard

  1. Enter the name, or part of the name, of the item that you’re looking for in the Find analyses & more field (upper-left corner of the page). The search is not case-sensitive.

  2. Click an item from the search results to open it.

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