Play and evaluate contacts with the Accessible Contact Evaluator (ACE)
The Accessible Contact Evaluator (ACE) is a screen-reader-friendly version of Calabrio’s Interactions page. We have optimized ACE for the JAWS screen reader, but it is also compatible with other screen readers. Agents and evaluators with low vision can navigate ACE using a keyboard to play and evaluate contacts. ACE supports some keyboard shortcuts, which we list where they are relevant. People without impaired vision can also use ACE.
IMPORTANT Existing users can continue to use ACE. However, new ACE activations are not currently being accepted.
We cover the following information in this guide:
- You have a Calabrio ONE user account with an AccessibilityContactEvaluator role assigned
- You have the View Contacts and View Evaluations permissions
- You have recordings within your Calabrio ONE scope
Some actions require additional Calabrio ONE permissions, which we list where they are relevant. If you try to do things that you don’t have permissions for, this error message loads: “Could not update contact. User not authorized for this request. If you continue to encounter this error please contact your system administrator.” Go to Manage roles and permissions for QM, Analytics, and Insights for more information about Calabrio ONE permissions.
Page location
Add-Ons > ACE > Open
Find contacts
- Select your search criteria from the filters region. Go to Filter descriptions for more information about each filter.
- Select Apply. ACE loads contacts that meet all of the criteria you set. The first contact in the list is selected. To clear the filters, select Cancel.
Use a saved filter set
To use a filter set in ACE, first create the filter set in Calabrio ONE. Go to Find contacts for more information about filter sets.
- Select the filter set from the Saved filter drop-down list.
- Select Apply. ACE loads recordings that meet all of the criteria in the filter set. The first contact in the list is selected.
Play a contact
- Select a contact.
- Select the play button or press ALT + CTRL + P.
- To pause the recording, select the pause button or press ALT + CTRL + P.
- To move to the next contact in the list, select Skip to next track or press ALT + CTRL + N.
- To replay the contact from the beginning, select Go to start of track or press ALT + CTRL + B.
Play the contact faster or slower
- Select a speed from the Playback Speed menu or use one of the following keyboard shortcuts.
- To play the contact faster, press ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + G.
- To play the contact slower, press ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + S.
- To play the contact at normal speed, press ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + N.
Skip forward or back in the recording
- To move forward, select Skip 10 seconds or press ALT + CTRL + F.
- To move back, select Back 10 seconds or press ALT + CTRL + R.
Adjust a recording’s volume
- To turn up the volume, select Increase volume or press ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + V.
- To turn down the volume, select Lower volume or press ALT + CTRL + V.
Evaluate a contact
You need the Evaluate Contact permission to do this.
Select the form you want to use from the Evaluation form menu. The evaluation form loads.
NOTE You can select the form only if the contact’s State is Unscored or if you are the first person to evaluate the contact. If another person started the evaluation, or if the contact is in the Needs Approval or Scored states, you cannot select a different form. To change the evaluation form for a Needs Approval or Scored evaluation, someone with the Approve Contact Evaluation permission must reject the evaluation, which changes its state to In Progress.
Select an answer option for each question.
- To change all the unanswered questions to your organization’s standard answers, select Set unanswered questions to default.
- If you cannot evaluate the contact for some reason, select Cannot score.
- To delete all your answers and start over with a blank form, select Reset form.
- To escalate the contact to human resources, select Mark for HR.
To use the contact as a training example, select Mark for Training.
NOTE Marking contacts does not automatically send contacts to a training or HR system. What happens with these contacts depends on how your organization uses Calabrio ONE.
- When you have finished the evaluation, select Complete and evaluate next or Complete evaluation. A confirmation message states the contact ID and the change in state.
Add comments to evaluations
Comments can apply to a specific question, a section of the form, or to the whole evaluation. You need the Create Evaluation Comment permission to do this.
- Select Add a question comment, Add a section comment, or Add a form comment.
- Add the comment.
- Select Save comment.
Edit a comment on an evaluation
You need the Edit Evaluation Comment permission to do this.
- Select Comments.
- Select Edit.
- Edit the comment as needed.
- Select Update comment.
Edit an evaluation
You can edit evaluations that you completed. If you have the Edit Any Evaluation permission, you can also edit evaluations completed by other people.
- Select Edit form.
- Edit the evaluation as needed.
- Select Complete and evaluate next or Complete evaluation.
Filter descriptions
The following list describes filters and their criteria.
Date range: Filters contacts that were recorded within a predefined date range. Select one of the criteria.
NOTE This filter always searches for contacts in the time zone of the capture source (for example, the Record Server or PC with Smart Desktop), even if the Display Contacts in User Time Zone check box is selected (go to Configure QM global settings for more information).
NOTEThe number of calls that load when you use this filter might vary from the number of calls that load when you use the Date Range filter in Analytics, for a variety of reasons:
- QM data and Analytics data update at different times.
- QM and Analytics could have different retention policies.
Begin Date (YYYY-MM-DD): Filters contacts that were recorded beginning on this date. To use this filter, first select Specific Dates from the Date range menu. You must use this filter together with the End Date filter.
NOTE This filter always searches for contacts in the time zone of the capture source (for example, the Record Server or PC with Smart Desktop), even if the Display Contacts in User Time Zone check box is selected (go to Configure QM global settings for more information).
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD): Filters contacts that were recorded no later than this date. To use this filter, first select Specific Dates from the Date range menu. You must use this filter together with the Begin Date filter.
NOTE This filter always searches for contacts in the time zone of the capture source (for example, the Record Server or PC with Smart Desktop), even if the Display Contacts in User Time Zone check box is selected (go to Configure QM global settings for more information).
- Contact ID: Filters contacts by their unique ID. You must enter the exact ID of the contact that you want to find. You cannot use wildcards. If you use this filter, ACE ignores anything that you enter in the Date fields.
Phone number: Returns any contact whose calling number or called number matches the number you enter. The number cannot contain dashes or parentheses. You can enter the following:
- Specific numbers
- Number ranges using wildcards
- The * wildcard alone (with no numbers) to return all contacts with a called number or a calling number
Search scope: Select one of the following criteria:
- All Evaluations—All contacts within your scope
- My Evaluations—All contacts that you have been assigned to evaluate or whose evaluations you have started or completed
- My Pending Calibrations—Contacts within your scope that are marked for calibration
- State: Filters contacts by the state of their evaluation form.
- Group: Filters contacts by the group that handled them.
- Team: Filters contacts by the team that handled them.
- Agent: Filters contacts by the agent who handled them.
- Call duration: Returns contacts whose duration is less than, equal to, or greater than the number of seconds you specify.
- Evaluator first name: Filters contacts by the first name of the person who handled them. You need the View Evaluator Detail permission to use this filter.
- Evaluator last name: Filters contacts by the last name of the person who handled them. You need the View Evaluator Detail permission to use this filter.
Calibrated: Filters contacts by their marked-for-calibration status. Select one of the following criteria:
- Yes—The contacts have been marked for calibration.
- No—The contacts have not been marked for calibration.
Evaluation Response: Filters contacts by the agent’s response to the evaluation. Select one or more of the following criteria:
- Pending Response—The agent has not yet responded.
- Acknowledged—The agent has acknowledged the evaluation.
- Appealed—The agent has appealed the evaluation.