View phrase analytics for a contact

The Phrase Hits panel shows where in the contact the customer or agent mentions words or phrases that matter to your contact center. These words or phrases are found by Analytics tasks, and they are called “phrase hits.”

NOTE   Phrase hits are also highlighted in yellow in the transcription, if there is one.

Contact Type: Call

Contact Content: Has Transcription

Licenses Required: Analytics or Calabrio ONE Access

Permissions Required: View Contacts, View Speech Analytics

Calabrio ONE assigns a confidence level to each phrase hit. This confidence level shows, on a scale 0–100, how certain Calabrio ONE is the task accurately detected the phrase. Phrase hits with higher confidence levels appear longer than phrase hits with lower confidence levels.

You can click a phrase hit to move the Timeline slider to it, or you can hover over a phrase hit to see a tooltip that contains further details. If you click the Zoom In icon on the Media Player toolbar, each phrase hit displays the word or phrase that Calabrio ONE detected.

Use the Options icon to select which categories of phrase hits appear.

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