Forecast file formats

The file formats for exporting forecast information and importing forecast information are the same.

Export forecast information to send to an external supplier or use the forecast import to import forecast data from an external source.

There are two available file formats. The only difference is if the file includes staffing or not. For Email and Back office skills, you cannot import staffing information.

NOTE   When importing forecasts in the web Forecasts tool, you can import forecasts for several skills at the same time. The import file must be sorted on the skill name.

File format

The columns listed below must be included in the import file. The file must not contain any column headers. The file encoding must be UTF-8.


  • Skill name (string50)

    The name if the skill you are importing the data to.

  • Interval start time (yyyyMMdd HH:mm)

    The date and time for the start of the interval.

  • Interval end time (yyyyMMdd HH:mm)

    The date and time for the end of the interval.

  • Volume (decimal)

    The number of contacts. Set to zero when using the import or export option with only staffing information.

  • Average task time (seconds decimal)

    The average time to handle one contact. Set to zero when using the import or export option with only staffing information.

  • After task work (seconds decimal)

    The average time used for wrap-up or after task work. Set to zero when using the import or export option with only staffing information.

  • Agents (decimal)

    The number of agents needed to handle the workload. This column is only needed if you want to import staffing information.


The forecast file format, including staffing.

Insurance,20210218 08:00,20210218 08:15,16,135.46,490.74,16.85

Insurance,20210218 08:15,20210218 08:30,25,127.93,443.24,21.48

Insurance,20210218 08:30,20210218 08:45,36,136.78,407.05,28.43

Example file: Forecast import example file

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