About Analytics tasks

Changes to Analytics licenses

If your organization downgrades from an Analytics Essentials or Analytics Enterprise license to a Desktop Analytics license, Calabrio ONE automatically disables all existing non-desktop tasks. This disabling does not affect any tasks that are in progress—for example, ad-hoc tasks that have already started or ongoing tasks that are scheduled or started.

Email and chat text

You can set up an ongoing Text Analytics task to analyze emails for predefined phrase hits. If no ongoing task is configured, then all emails are still indexed and saved as email contacts. You can process those emails as ad hoc tasks.

You must set up a Text Analytics task to analyze emails or chats for predefined phrase hits. If no task is configured, here is what happens when text is imported:

  • The text is not analyzed in Analytics.
  • The contact is still available on the Interactions page.
  • Sentiment is not analyzed on the Interactions page.

NOTE   If Calabrio ONE detects a generic email address that is not associated with an agent during an email import to the Mail server, Calabrio ONE creates a new user and associates the user with that email address. This user then appears on the user list and adds a user to the user count.

Languages and teams

For a complete list of supported languages in Calabrio ONE, see Localization and supported languages.

IMPORTANT   Languages require server configuration. Before using a language in a task, make sure your system administrator has configured the language.

When you run a speech task, results are based exclusively on the selected language. There is an implied relationship between teams and languages. For example, if you choose French from the Language drop-down list when configuring a task, the task processes all calls in French for the selected teams. Any secondary language spoken during those calls produces bad results.


If your contact center supports multiple languages, each team should be associated with a specific language.

It is not unusual for one or more agents in a team to be bilingual. In that case, bilingual agents switch between languages during a call or from one call to another. If agents on a team are known to use a secondary language during a call, create a metadata tag using the Metadata Manager page (Application Management > QM > QM Configuration > Metadata Manager) and assign the possible language values to a metadata tag. When an agent uses a secondary language during a call, the agent can assign that metadata tag to identify the language used. You can then run a task to search for all calls associated with the team that are tagged with that specific language metadata tag.


Agent A is on the Sales team and speaks French as a primary language and English as a secondary language. When Agent A switches to English for a call, she tags the call with a metadata tag called VoiceLanguage and a value of English.

To analyze Agent A’s English language calls, you create a Speech to Text (Transcription) task configured with the following settings:

  • Language: English
  • Team: Sales

If you select French from the Language drop-down list, the task will not yield any results.

Language transcription for gateway recording

Gateway recording creates a root recording for the whole call from beginning to end. If the call is transferred, this root recording has multiple segments, one for the initial call and another for the transfer. (If a call is transferred multiple times, each transfer is a separate segment.)

When this recording is reconciled, Calabrio ONE transcribes the call using the language of the last segment, which is the language associated with the last segment’s speech-to-text task. A speech-to-text task can be associated with only one language. If the people on the call speak a different language after the call is transferred, Calabrio ONE will still try to transcribe the call in the language used in the last segment.

EXAMPLE   The agent and caller speak English for the first call segment, which is associated with an English speech-to-text task. The agent transfers the caller to a Spanish-speaking agent. This second segment is associated with a Spanish speech-to-text task. Calabrio ONE transcribes both segments of this call in Spanish after the recording is reconciled.

If a call segment is not associated with a speech-to-text task, Calabrio ONE will not transcribe the segment. If the last segment of a call is not associated with a speech-to-text task, Calabrio ONE will not transcribe the call.

EXAMPLE   The agent and caller speak English for the first call segment, which is associated with an English speech-to-text task. The agent transfers the caller to a Spanish-speaking agent. This second segment is not associated with a speech-to-text task. Calabrio ONE does not transcribe the call.