Transfer user data for QM and Analytics

NOTE   This is a new feature that is not yet generally available. The content in this article is subject to change.

IMPORTANT   Transferring user data is a permanent process and cannot be undone.

The User Data Transfer page allows you to transfer data from a single user to another user. It also allows you to transfer data for up to 2,000 users in bulk at once.

To transfer a single user's data, you need to identify the Target User and the Source User.

Target User — The user whose data is overwritten or combined.

Source User — The user whose data overwrites the target user's data or combines with the target user's data.

IMPORTANT   For a full list of supported data types that can be transferred, see About user data transfer for QM and Analytics.

After identifying a target user and source user, run the transfer. The target user remains active with their data either overwritten by the source user or combined with the source user. Whether the target user's data is overwritten or combined is dependent on the data type as described in About user data transfer for QM and Analytics.

If you choose to transfer user data in bulk, you apply the same logic but at a larger scale using a CSV file you download. The CSV file lists all active and inactive users in your account. In the CSV file are the From User ID and To User ID columns that function similarly to the Target User and Source User for transferring data for a single user.

To User ID — (target user) The To User ID's data will be overwritten by the From User ID or combined with the From User ID.

From User ID — (source user) The From User ID overwrites the To User ID's data or combines with the To User ID's data.

After you download the CSV file, update the file by choosing the users whose data you want to transfer, reupload the file, fix any errors that arise, and then run the data transfer. Check out the Procedures below for the full step-by-step processes.


  • You can transfer up to 2,000 users in bulk at once.
  • You can only perform one bulk user data transfer at a time.
  • You cannot transfer data from multiple source users to a single target user.
  • You cannot transfer data from a single source user to multiple target users.
  • Users must be within your view. A view controls the scope of access a user has (Application Management > Global > User Configuration > Views).
  • The users whose data is being transferred cannot be tenant administrators.
  • This page only transfers user data for Quality Management and Classic WFM. See About user data transfer for QM and Analytics for the full list of what data types are transferred.


Page location

Application Management > Global > User Configuration > User Data Transfer


Single user: Transfer data from one user to another user

  1. Select Single (Transfer data from one user to another).

  2. Select a user from the Target User drop-down list.

  3. Select a user from the Source User drop-down list.

  4. (Optional) Select the Show inactive users checkbox if at least one of the users is inactive.

  5. Select Run Transfer. A confirmation window opens.

  6. Select Run Transfer once again in the confirmation window. The transfer process may take several minutes.

    EXAMPLE   I want the data for Agent 2, the source user, to transfer to Agent 1, the target user. I run the transfer. Agent 2's data transfers to Agent 1's data. Agent 1, now has fresh data from Agent 2's account.

Bulk users: Download and edit the CSV upload file

  1. Select Bulk (Perform multiple data transfers at one time via a CSV upload).

  2. Click Run a new bulk data transfer.

  3. Select the link, Click here to download an export of all users. Calabrio ONE exports a CSV file titled "people" by default to your system.

  4. Locate and open the file. This file is a list of all the users in your Calabrio ONE tenant account. Only the first two columns, "From User ID" and "To User ID," are considered by the bulk data transfer process. Do not make changes to any other columns in the file.

  5. Identify whose data you want to transfer in the From User ID column. These are your source users. Do not make any changes to the numbers in this column.

    EXAMPLE    I decide that I want to transfer data from John Smith and James Anderson.

      From User ID Name
    Example 1 19 John Smith

    Example 2


    James Anderson

  6. Identify the users to whom you want data to be transferred to. These people will be your target users. Copy the From User ID of the source users, then paste their From User IDs under the To User ID column for the intended target users.

      From User ID Name (From User ID)

    To User ID

    Name (To User ID)

    Example 1 19 John Smith


    Jenny Andrews

    Example 2


    James Anderson


    Sam Rodgers

    EXAMPLE   I want John Smith's data to transfer to Jenny Andrews. John Smith's From User ID is 19; therefore, I enter 19 in Jenny Anderson's To User ID cell. I also want James Anderson's data to transfer to Sam Rodgers. James Anderson's From User ID is 20; therefore, I enter 20 in Sam Rodgers's To User ID cell.

  7. Save your changes to the CSV file.

Upload and review the CSV file

  1. Select Upload User Data Transfer File. A file explorer window opens.

  2. In the file explorer window, locate the CSV file you edited and select Open.

  3. A Preview section is populated with information from the CSV file. Review the preview to ensure all selected users will be transferred correctly. You can change how many rows appear per page using the Rows per page drop-down list, and you can click through multiple pages using the arrow icons at the bottom of the table.

    EXAMPLE   I review and compare the information in the preview with the data in the CSV file. First I confirm that Jenny Andrews' ([email protected]) From User ID, which is 21, and To User ID, which is 19 match what I see in the preview section. Then, I confirm that Sam Rodgers (simagent4rnd.ld) From User ID, which is 22, and To User ID, which is 20, match what I see in the preview section.

  4. Fix any errors present in the preview table before running the data transfer.

  5. Select Run Transfer.

  6. Select Run Transfer once again in the confirmation window. This process may take several hours. You can navigate to other pages or log out of Calabrio ONE and return later.

  7. A Data Transfer Successful message appears once the transfer is complete.

(Optional) Fix errors after a bulk data transfer

If a bulk data transfer fails for one or more users, then you will see an error message that states the following.

"Errors occurred during data transfer. The user IDs listed below were not transferred."

Follow this procedure in the event of such error.

  1. Note the user(s) who have errors.

    BEST PRACTICE   Download the audit log file by clicking the link titled, Click here to download an audit log of the errors that occurred in the most recent data transfer operation. which has detailed information on the user(s) who have errors.

  2. Follow the Bulk users: Download and edit the CSV upload file procedure for the users whose data were not transferred.

  3. Follow the Upload and review the CSV file procedure.

  4. Do not re-run the merge on users whose data was successfully transferred. Only re-run the merge on users whose data was not transferred due to errors.

Field descriptions

Field Description
Single (Transfer data from one user to another) Transfer data from one user to another user.
Bulk (Perform multiple data transfers at one time via a CSV upload) Transfer data for multiple users.


Target User The user whose data is overwritten or combined.
Source User The user whose data overwrites the target user's data or combines with the target user's data.

Show inactive users

Ensures both active and inactive users are included in the Source User drop-down list.


Click here to download an export of all users.

A link that uploads a CSV file titled "people" by default. The file is a list of all users in your Calabrio ONE tenant.

Upload User Data Transfer File

Opens a file explorer window for you to select and upload your modified CSV file.

Run Transfer

Starts the transfer process. The transfer process runs in the background and may take several hours.

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