Filter data on the Analytics dashboard


  • Your organization has either the Desktop Analytics license or the full Analytics license.
  • You have the View System Analytics permission

Page location

Analytics > Analytics Dashboard

Filter the data in all the widgets that appear on your dashboard using the Data Filters tool. You can choose one or more filters to apply. When you do create more than one filter, the results must match all the filter criteria.

NOTE   Not all types of data can be filtered. See Create and manage a data set for a list of data that can be filtered.

Any data filters that you set apply to any dashboard you view during a session. However, if you log out and then log in again, you must configure your filters again. They do not persist from session to session.


Add a data filter

  1. Click Data Filters.
  2. Click Add Filter.
  3. In the Add Filter dialog box, select the filter. There are four filter types:

    • Analysis—filter by call statistics and events
    • Contact—filter by the recording contact information
    • Date—filter by time zone
    • Organization—filter by agent, group, or team
  4. Select the operator (such as greater than, less than, contains, and so on) and enter a value. The value can include wild cards (* or ?). The asterisk wild card stands for any number of characters, and the question mark wild card stands for one character.

    EXAMPLE   A filter to find calls that include more than three talkover events is “Talk Over Events Greater than 3.”

  5. Click OK.