Create and manage a data set

Data sets determine what appear in the widgets on the Analytics Dashboard page. They must be configured before you create a widget.

Data sets are unique to a specific dashboard. When you create a data set for one dashboard, that data set will not appear in any other dashboards.


  • Your organization has either the Desktop Analytics license or the full Analytics license.
  • Some data sets require the full Analytics license. See Data sources below for the data sets that require this license.
  • You have the View System Analytics permission.

Page location

Analytics > Analytics Dashboard


Create a new data set

  1. On the Analytics toolbar, click Data Set Manager and then Create New Data Set.

    NOTE   You might have to click Unlock to enable the Data Set Manager button.

  2. Select a data source from the Data Source list. The available data sources are described below.
  3. In the Data Set Manager - Create New dialog box, configure the filters for the data source you chose. These filters determine what data appears on your dashboard. There is a different dialog box for each data source, with different data filters. The available data filters are described below.
  4. When you are finished configuring the filters, click Submit to see a preview of the data that is included in the new data set. The column headers shown can be truncated. Click Show All Data to see all the columns.

    If the columns shown are not what you want, click Back to return to the previous dialog box and reconfigure the filters.

  5. When you are satisfied with the data set, click Save.
  6. On the toolbar, click Save.

Edit a data set

  1. On the Analytics toolbar click Data Set Manager.

    NOTE   You might have to click Unlock to enable the Data Set Manager button.

  2. Click Edit next to the data set you want to edit.
  3. When you are finished editing the data set, click Submit to see a preview of the data that is included in the data set. The column headers shown might be truncated. Click Show All Data to see all the columns.

    If the columns shown are not what you want, click Back to return to the previous dialog box and reconfigure the filters.

  4. When you are satisfied with the data set, click Save.
  5. On the Analytics toolbar, click Save.

Delete a data set

  1. On the Analytics toolbar, click Data Set Manager.

    NOTE   You might have to click Unlock to enable the Data Set Manager icon.

  2. Click Delete next to the data set you want to delete, and then confirm the deletion. When you delete a data set, changes on the dashboard are saved immediately.
  3. Click Cancel to close the Data Set Manager dialog box.

Data sources

The following table describes the available data sources. You can filter items with an asterisk (*) using Data filters.

The two primary types of data sets are count data sets and trend data sets.

  • Count data sets report the number of times the defined action occurs.
  • Trend data sets report how the specified action changes over time.
Data Set Description

Application Count
Application Statistics

Metrics on accessing applications on a user’s desktop. Application Statistics displays the access statistics for specific applications.

Application Usage Count
Application Usage Trend

Metrics on how many users have used the application. This includes information on the number of users who have used the Calabrio ONE user interface as well as the number of desktop clients that have connected.

Audit Count
Audit Trend

Metrics for audits in your recordings.

NOTE   Your organization needs the full Analytics license in order to use this data set. This data set is not available with the Desktop Analytics license.

Call Summary Count
Call Summary Trend

Metrics for your total, missed, and answered calls.

Event Count
Event Statistics

Event Count shows aggregation of an event’s duration by agent, team, or group. Event Statistics shows the distribution of the average event duration.

Outstanding Uploads Count
Outstanding Uploads Trend

Metrics for files that still need to be uploaded. This is a measure of calls that have taken place but the corresponding media files have not yet been uploaded.

Phrase Count*
Phrase Trend*

Metrics for phrase usage hits in contacts. This includes phonetic hits only.

NOTE   Your organization needs the full Analytics license in order to use this data set. This data set is not available with the Desktop Analytics license.

Recycling Count
Recycling Trend

Metrics for files that are in the recycle bin. Data is collected every five minutes.

Storage Details Count
Storage Details Trend

Metrics for files stored on disk. This includes call audio files and screen capture video files, as well as logical groups such as recordings (call audio and screen capture video) as well as total size (all files on disk).

Support Count
Support Trend

Upload and disk storage metrics for packet capture (PCAP) and log files.

Text Contact Count*
Text Contact Trend*

The total number of email and text contacts.

NOTE   Your organization needs the full Analytics license in order to use this data set. This data set is not available with the Desktop Analytics license.

Text Hit Count*
Text Hit Trend*

The total number of individual text hits in email and text contacts.

NOTE   Your organization needs the full Analytics license in order to use this data set. This data set is not available with the Desktop Analytics license.

Transcribed Call Count*
Transcribed Call Trend*

Metrics for your transcribed contacts.

NOTE   Your organization needs the full Analytics license in order to use this data set. This data set is not available with the Desktop Analytics license.


The number of calls you see in an Analytics dashboard that uses this data set might vary from the number of calls you see using the Has Transcription criterion in the Contact Content filter on the Interactions page, for a variety of reasons:

  • Analytics data and QM data update at different times.
  • Analytics marks a call as transcribed after the call has been indexed, but QM marks a call with Has Transcription if a transcription file for the call is uploaded. Indexing happens after the transcription file is uploaded, so reports of transcribed calls might show a higher number in QM than in Analytics if indexing has not happened yet.
  • Analytics and QM could have different retention policies.

Upload Details Count
Upload Details Trend

Upload metrics for media files broken down by file type. This includes call audio files, screen capture video files, desktop application and website usage files, and email text files.

Upload Summary Count
Upload Summary Trend

Upload metrics for media files aggregated into logical groupings. This includes recording uploads (call audio and screen capture video) and total uploads (all file types from upload details).

Data filters

The following table describes the available filters that can be configured for the available data sources. Not all filters apply to every type of data source.

Name Description


Select one or more agents to filter data by. If you do not select one or more agents, all agents are selected by default.

Aggregate by

Select the unit by which you want to aggregate event counts or statistics.

Application States

Choose the application states you want to display in the widget.

Assume All Groups

Select this check box to bypass the groups list in the drill-down details for widgets associated with this data set.

Assume All Teams

Select this check box to bypass the teams list in the drill-down details for widgets associated with this data set.


Select one or more categories to filter data by.


Enter the minimum confidence value for a hit. Valid values are 1–100.

EXAMPLE   When you specify a value of 60, Speech Analytics returns hits where the confidence value is 60 or greater.

Date Range

Select the date range for which you want the widgets to display historical information.

NOTE   If the date range exceeds the analytics data retention period, values outside the retention period will appear as 0 in a widget.


The number of calls you see when using this filter might vary from the number of calls you see when using the Date Range filter on the Interactions page, for a variety of reasons:

  • Analytics data and QM data update at different times.
  • Analytics and QM could have different retention policies.

Enable Application States Filtering

Select this check box to allow a user to modify the selected application states from the Analytics toolbar. When this box is cleared, changes to the selected application states from the Analytics toolbar do not affect the widget.

Enable Confidence Filtering

Select this check box to allow a user to modify the selected confidence value from the Analytics toolbar. When this box is cleared, changes to the confidence value from the Analytics toolbar do not affect the widget.

Enable Date Filtering

Select this check box to enable users to modify the date range from the Analytics toolbar. When this box is cleared, changes to the global date range in the Analytics toolbar do not affect the widget.

Enable Interaction State Filtering

Select this check box to allow a user to modify the selected interaction states from the Analytics toolbar. When this box is cleared, changes to the selected interaction states from the Analytics toolbar do not affect the widget.

Enable Text Search

Select this check box to allow a user to search for phrases from the Analytics toolbar. When this box is cleared, searching for phrases from the Analytics toolbar does not affect the widget.

Event Type

Select the event type for the data set.

File Group by

Select how you want to file the group.

Filter Out Multiple Hits

Select this check box to count the phrase with the higher confidence level and filter out similar phrases with a lower confidence level. When this box is cleared, all phrase hits appear.

Analytics can generate multiple phrase hits for similar phrases with different confidence levels that occur near the same time within a recording.

EXAMPLE   If you add phrases for “ambulance” and “ambulance service,” multiple hits can appear when Analytics locates the phrase “ambulance service.”

From Date

The starting date for the date range.

Group By

Select the way you want to group data. The options available in this field are determined by the type of data set you are creating.


Select one or more groups to filter data by. If you do not select one or more groups, all groups are selected by default. If you select one or more groups, all teams for those groups are selected by default. Groups are limited by your assigned permissions.

Histogram Bins

Enter the number of intervals to appear in the histogram. Valid values are integers 3–100. The default is 10.

Interaction States

Choose the interaction states you want to display in the widget.

Limit to Predefined Phrases

Select this check box to filter contacts in the data set to include only ones that have predefined phrase hits. The phrases are defined in the Phrase Manager.


The name of the data set.


Select one or more phrases to filter data by.

Ranking Size

Enter how many top-ranking applications display results. Valid values are 10–100. The default is 10.


Select whether you want to return results that do or do not contain the specified phrases for this data set.

  • If you select Return contacts with the selected phrases, Calabrio ONE reports the total number of phrase matches among all contacts.
  • If you select Return contacts without the selected phrases, Calabrio ONE reports the number of contacts that do not contain the specified phrases.

Show Websites Only

Select this check box to display statistics only for websites accessed. When this box is cleared, statistics are displayed for both applications and websites.


Select one or more tags to filter data by.


Select one or more teams to filter data by. If you do not select one or more teams, all teams are selected by default.

Text Types

Select one or more text types to filter data by.

To Date

The ending date for the date range.


Select the type of trend.


Select one or more types to filter data by.