Export schedules to PDF

Export schedules to PDF format directly from the Schedules module. There are three types of schedule exports available.

  • Export to PDF shows schedule information such as shift category, shift length and start and end time for all selected agents. Choose to present the schedule by team or individually. You can also select to show all activities, just the breaks or no activities.
  • Export to PDF graphical shows the full schedule graphically for all selected agents. Choose to present the schedule by team or individually.
  • Export to PDF shifts per day shows the shift start and end times for the selected agents in a table, divided by day. Choose to show breaks in the export, or no activities at all.


This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

  • You have the Schedules permission.
  • You have the Global functions > View schedules permission.
  • To view breaks in the exports, the break activities must be set as Lunch or Short break in Options.

Page location

Client > Schedules > Open schedule


Export to PDF

  1. Select the agents and days to export in the Schedule view.
  2. Right-click, select Export and then select Export to PDF.
  3. Select the Type of export.

    • Team—Present schedules for all selected agents, one week at the time.
    • Individual—Present schedules with one page for each agent. When exporting individual schedules, select if you want to create one file for all selected agents or one file per agent.
  4. Select what to Display.

    • No activities—Includes the start and end time and the length of the shift.
    • Breaks—Includes the start and end time and the length of the shift, and the start and end times for all breaks.
    • All activities—Includes the start and end time and the length of the shift, and the start and end times for all activities.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Enter a name for the file. This is not needed if you have selected to create individual files for all agents.
  7. Select where to place it and click Save.

Export to PDF graphical

  1. Select the agents and days to export in the Schedule view.
  2. Right-click, select Export and then select Export to PDF graphical.
  3. Select the Type of export.

    • Team—Present schedules for all selected agents, one day at the time. Choose if you want to include any public notes entered for the selected days.
    • Individual—Present schedules with one page for each agent. When exporting individual schedules, select if you want to create one file for all selected agents or one file per agent.
  4. Select the Sort order. This options is available when you export by team.

    • Agent name—Sorts the shifts in alphabetical order based on the names of the agents.
    • Start time—Sorts the shifts by start time, with the earliest start time first.
    • End time—Sorts the shifts by end time, with the earliest end time first.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Enter a name for the file. This is not needed if you have selected to create individual files for all agents.
  7. Select where to place it and click Save.

Export to PDF shifts per day

  1. Select the agents and days to export in the Schedule view.
  2. Right-click, select Export and then select Export to PDF shifts per day.
  3. No Type can be selected for this export.
  4. Select what to Display.

    • No activities—Includes the start and end time of the shift.
    • Breaks—Includes the start and end time of the shift, and the start and end times for all breaks.
  5. Select the check box to include any public notes entered for the selected days.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Enter a name for the file. This is not needed if you have selected to create individual files for all agents.
  8. Select where to place it and click Save.