Surveys All Data

The Surveys All Data report displays collective post-call survey scores.

Fields in this report



Agent ID

The agent’s system ID number.

Average Score (%)

The average score for the form, section, or question.

First Name

The evaluator’s first name. You can see the evaluator’s first name if you have the View Evaluator Details permission.


The name of the evaluation form.


The name of the group.

Last Name

The evaluator’s last name. You can see the evaluator’s last name if you have the View Evaluator Details permission.


The text of the question that appears in the evaluation form.

Question Weight

A percentage applied to a question in an evaluation form. The sum of the question weights in each section of the form is 100 percent.


The number of surveys.


The name of the team. When associated with an agent, the team is the agent’s current team.