Contact Goal Progress

If you are using the Contact Goal feature, this report shows the progress of completed evaluations compared to their goals. The goals are by evaluator.

Fields in this report



First Name

The evaluator’s first name. You can see the evaluator’s first name if you have the View Evaluator Details permission.

Last Name

The evaluator’s last name. You can see the evaluator’s last name if you have the View Evaluator Details permission.

Contact Goal

The description of the contact goal as configured on the Contact Goal Administration page.


The number of contact goals that the evaluator has completed.

Total To Complete

The total number of contact goals the evaluator has to complete.

NOTE   If an agent is deactivated before a goal is active (or, for recurring goals, before Calabrio ONE assigns the next recurrence), Calabrio ONE does not include contacts from that agent in the total number of contacts that the evaluator must handle in order to meet that goal. If an agent is deactivated after a goal is active, that agent’s contacts are included in the goal and in the metrics for this report.

EXAMPLE   Each week, evaluators have a goal to evaluate ten calls. The week runs from Monday to Friday. An agent leaves the contact center on a Wednesday. Her contacts are included in the goal and report metrics for that week but not in the goal and report metrics for the week after that.

Percent Complete

The percentage of contact goals that the evaluator has completed.