
notIn evaluates if an expression exists within a literal list. If the list doesn’t contain the expression, notIn returns true, and otherwise it returns false. notIn is case sensitive for string type inputs.

notIn accepts two kinds of literal list, one is manually entered list and the other is a multivalue parameter.


Using a manually entered list:

notIn(expression, [literal-1, ...])  

Using a multivalue parameter:

notIn(expression, $multivalue_parameter)



The expression to be compared with the elements in literal list. It can be a field name like address, a literal value like ‘ Unknown’, a single value parameter, or a call to another scalar function—provided this function is not an aggregate function or a table calculation.

literal list

(required) This can be a manually entered list or a multivalue parameter. This argument accepts up to 5,000 elements. However, in a direct query to a third party data source, for example Oracle or Teradata, the restriction can be smaller.

  • manually entered list – One or more literal values in a list to be compared with the expression. The list should be enclosed in square brackets. All the literals to compare must have the same datatype as the expression.

  • multivalue parameter – A pre-defined multivalue parameter passed in as a literal list. The multivalue parameter must have the same datatype as the expression.

Return type


Example with a manually entered list

The following example evaluates the origin_state_name field for values in a list of string. When comparing string type input, notIn only supports case sensitive comparison.

notIn(origin_state_name,["Georgia", "Ohio", "Texas"])

The following are the given field values.


For these field values the following values are returned.


The third return value is false because only "Texas" is one of the excluded values.

The following example evaluates the fl_date field for values in a list of string. In order to match the type, toString is used to cast the date type to string type.


Literals and NULL values are supported in expression argument to be compared with the literals in list. Both of the following two examples will generate a new column of FALSE values.


Example with mutivalue parameter

Let's say an author creates a multivalue parameter that contains a list of all the state names. Then the author adds a control to allow the reader to select values from the list.

Next, the reader selects three values—"Georgia", "Ohio", and "Texas"—from the parameter's drop down list control. In this case, the following expression is equivalent to the first example, where those three state names are passed as the literal list to be compared with the original_state_name field.

notIn (origin_state_name, ${stateName MultivalueParameter})

Example with ifelse

notIn can be nested in other functions as a boolean value. One example is that authors can evaluate any expression in a list and return the value they want by using notIn and ifelse. The following example evaluates if the dest_state_name of a flight is in a particular list of US states and returns different categories of the states based on the comparison.

ifelse(notIn(dest_state_name,["Washington", "Oregon","California"]), "notWestCoastUSState", "WestCoastUSState")