Adjust skill targets

The skill templates define for example the service level target, minimum and maximum occupancy and the shrinkage for the skill. The default values in the standard skill templates are defined when creating the skill.

You need to adjust the skill template if you for example want to use different targets for different days of the week or for different times of the day. In the skill templates there is also a possibility to define limits on the minimum or maximum number of agents to schedule.

Ensure to go through each day of the week and adjust the values where needed. Split the cells to set different values for different parts of the day. If you want to make similar adjustments for several days of the week, copy values from one day of the week and paste to another day.

There might be differences that are not related to the day of week. For example, you want to use a lower shrinkage percentage for the next two days or accept a longer wait time on this queue on a bank holiday. In these situations, create and apply special skill templates. This is done when you Finalize the staffing forecast.


This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

  • You have the Forecasts permission.
  • A skill is created.

Page location

Client > Forecasts > Prepare skill


Select a skill and open skill templates

  • Right-click the skill to define targets for and select Prepare skill.

Split cells to define different values for different intervals

Split the cells to intervals if you need to define different values for different times of the day.

  1. Click in the table to select any of the parameters.
  2. Right-click in the table and select Split.

    The table is now split to show each interval separately. The value that was defined on day level is used as the default value for all intervals.

Adjust skill targets for a telephony, chat, and retail skills

Adjust the values for the days of the week or the intervals that deviate from the default.

  1. Adjust the Service level target. The service level is expressed as a combination of a Percentage and a number of Seconds.

    EXAMPLE   The service level 80% and 20s means that the target is to answer 80% of the calls within 20s.

  2. Adjust the target for Minimum occupancy.

    The occupancy is the percentage of the scheduled time on the skill activity that the agent is actively handling contacts. The resource calculation might result in a too high resource need for skills with low volume. Use the Minimum occupancy setting to define an acceptable occupancy level and keep the forecasted need lower. This might affect the service level, since it reduces the staffing margins.

  3. Adjust the target for Maximum occupancy.

    In some cases, the resource calculation results in an extremely high occupancy level for skills with a high volume. Use the Maximum occupancy setting to define a manageable occupancy level for the agents and increase the forecasted need.

  4. Enter a target for Minimum agents if needed.

    Use this to highlight the need for more resources than what the volume on the skill indicates. Only use this setting when necessary, and then only use it for the intervals where it's needed.

  5. Enter a target for Maximum agents if needed.

    Use this to highlight the need for less resources than what the volume on the skill indicates. Only use this setting when necessary, and then only use it for the intervals where it's needed.

  6. Enter a target for Agents if needed.

    Use this to override the forecasted agents and use your defined target instead.

  7. Adjust the expected Shrinkage.

    Shrinkage is the loss of resources because of unplanned absences, such as sick leave. This is used to calculate the total number of agents to schedule, including the number of agents required to cover for unplanned absences.

    To automatically adjust the shrinkage values for the near future, use dynamic shrinkage. See Manage dynamic shrinkage for more information

  8. Adjust the target for Efficiency.

    The efficiency is the percentage of the scheduled skill time that the agents are available to handle contacts. This is used to adjust for the fact that the agents might need to leave their desk for example to ask a question or to visit the restroom. Define a realistic efficiency level.

  9. Click Next to adjust the targets for the next day of the week and repeat until you have revised all days.
  10. Click Finish to save the adjusted skill templates.
  11. Remember to apply the adjusted skill templates to the forecast. See Finalize the staffing forecast for more information.

Adjust skill targets for other channel types

Adjust the values for the days of the week or the intervals that deviate from the default.

  1. Adjust the target value for Handled within.

    Handled within is a target for the maximum time a contact must wait for their case to be handled. The maximum Handled within time is 24 times the interval length of the skill.

    NOTE   The handled within time is only counted during the skill open hours. If an email arrives during closed hours, the handled within time is calculated from the first interval of the open hours. This means, if you promise your customers a reply within 24h and the skill is open 8h per day, set the handled within time to 8h or less.

  2. Enter a target for Minimum agents if needed.

    Use this to highlight the need for more resources than what the volume on the skill indicates. Only use this setting when necessary, and then only use it for the intervals where it's needed.

  3. Enter a target for Maximum agents if needed.

    Use this to highlight the need for less resources than what the volume on the skill indicates. Only use this setting when necessary, and then only use it for the intervals where it's needed.

  4. Adjust the expected Shrinkage.

    Shrinkage is the loss of resources because of unplanned absences, such as sick leave. This is used to calculate the total number of agents to schedule, including the number of agents required to cover for unplanned absences.

    To automatically adjust the shrinkage values for the near future, use dynamic shrinkage. See Manage dynamic shrinkage for more information

  5. Adjust the target for Efficiency.

    The efficiency is the percentage of the scheduled skill time that the agents are available to handle contacts. This is used to adjust for the fact that the agents might need to leave their desk for example to ask a question or to visit the restroom. Define a realistic efficiency level.

  6. Click Next to adjust the targets for the next day of the week and repeat until you have revised all days.
  7. Click Finish to save the adjusted skill templates.
  8. Remember to apply the adjusted skill templates to the forecast. See Finalize the staffing forecast for more information.

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