Calculate workload volume

In order to have the most accurate value for volume to use as a basis for forecasting, you must configure how the volume is calculated. Adjust the offered volume by configuring how to handle abandoned calls and chats and the overflow to and from other queues. The calculated adjusted value is referred to as calculated calls, or the corresponding name for the other channel types, and shown in various parts of the system.

The same calculation is also used to calculate the actual offered volume to make it possible to compare it to the forecasted volume. These values are presented in the Forecasts module, in the Intraday tool, and in the report “Forecasts vs. actual workload”.

NOTE   It is usually only relevant to adjust the workload calculation for telephony and chat skills. This is because they are highly time-sensitive and contacts can be abandoned or flow from one queue to another. Use the default settings for all other types of skills.

Calculation to verify queue data

When you create a completely new workload you often want to verify the queue data. Make adjustments to calculate the total volume on the selected queues, including all abandoned calls or chats, but not include any overflow from other queues or deduct any overflow to other queues.

Define the calculation like this to verify the queue data.

Parameter Value



Overflow in


Overflow out




Abandoned short


Abandoned within service level


Abandoned after service level


Then verify the data by comparing Queue statistics report to the queue data in the ACD platform.

Calculation to adjust the volume

When the data is verified, adjust the calculation of the volume in the workload properties if needed.

Overflow in and overflow out

If there is an overflow in to the selected queue from other queues, consider if you want to staff for that volume on this workload or if that volume should be handled on the original queue. If you want to create a forecast based on the total volume, including the overflow in, set Overflow in to 100%.

If you do not want to staff for the overflow in volume on this workload, set Overflow in to 0%. This is also the case for example if these calls or chats are already added to the workload through a specific overflow queue or if you don't want to staff for this extra volume.

If there is an overflow out from the selected queue to other queues, you normally want to staff to handle this volume on this workload to prevent the overflow out. In these cases, set Overflow out to 0% to not deduct these calls. To create a forecast that considers some of this volume, you can for example define Overflow out to -30% to create a forecast that aims to handle 70% of the overflow out volume.

Abandoned calls and chats

In some situations, there are a lot of abandoned calls because the skill is understaffed. When forecasting, you can deduct some of the abandoned calls from the offered calls. Include the percentage of the abandoned calls that you want to staff for.

The Abandoned setting contains the total abandoned volume. The total volume is split in three categories, Abandoned short, Abandoned within service level and Abandoned after service level. Deduct Abandoned and add the subcategories you want to include.

NOTE   The forecast is based on the abandon rate defined for the skill and the Erlang A model. Therefore, the best practice is to exclude Abandoned short and keep Abandoned within service level and Abandoned after service level.

To include the volume that is abandoned within and after service level but not the short calls or chats, define the calculation like this.

Parameter Value



Abandoned short


Abandoned within service level


Abandoned after service level


To include all abandoned calls, define the calculation like this.

Parameter Value



Abandoned short


Abandoned within service level


Abandoned after service level


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