Create and manage connectors in the UDM

IMPORTANT    Calabrio Data Management has been declared End of Sale as of November 1st, 2023 and is no longer available for purchase.

Use this page to register new connectors in the Unified Data Mart (UDM) and update or delete existing connectors. Connectors are a set of connection data and credentials, workflows, transformations, and destination schemas associated with specific data entities or services such as ACDs, IVRs, WFO, or back-office solutions.


  • Data UDM Administration permission

Page location

Application Management > Data Management > Unified Data Mart Administration


Register a new connector

  1. Open the Unified Data Mart Administration page. A blank Provision Tenant page is displayed.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Connectors > Create to display the Create Connector page.
  3. In the Connector Name field, enter a name for the new connector.
  4. In the Connector Path field, enter the relative path to the appropriate KJB (Kettle job) file in the ETL folder.

    EXAMPLE   etl/avaya/red/avaya_cms_etl/etl/avaya_cms.kjb
  5. Click Submit. You should receive a 200 -success status message.

Edit or delete an existing connector

  1. Open the Unified Data Mart Administration page. A blank Provision Tenant page is displayed.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Connectors > Manage to display a list of existing connectors on the Connectors page.
  3. Locate the connector you want to edit. You can use the Search field at the right of the page to help locate it.
  4. At the right of the connector’s listing is an Edit button and a delete button.

    • To edit the connector, click Edit , make the needed changes in the resulting Update connector dialog box, and click Update.
    • To delete the connector, click Delete , and then confirm the deletion.