About impact analysis

Impact analysis provides A/B testing capabilities, which enable users to compare metrics based on one, several, or all conversation topics over different time frames. The metrics available for comparison are:

  • Volume

  • Bot Automation Score (BAS)

  • Bot Experience Score (BES)

  • Agent Experience Score (AES)

  • Containment Rate

  • Contained Conversations Volume

  • Total Handle Time

  • Response Time

  • Positive Sentiment

  • Negative Sentiment


  • You have a Bot Analytics license.
  • You have the View Impact Analysis permission.

Page location

Bot Analytics > Conversation Analytics > Impact Analysis


  1. In the Comparison Period A tab, select a time frame that you want to compare and click Next.

  1. In the Comparison Period B tab, select a time frame that you want to compare and click Next.

  2. In the Conversation Topics tab, search for and select the conversation topics that you want to focus on, click Add, and then click Show results.

  1. Compare conversation topic metrics from period A to period B.