Best practices for improving experiences
The following actions are important for improving your bot experiences and resolving any of the issues you have identified:
Understand the root cause(s) of the under-performing experience.
Identify your top three observations. There might be instances where you put together too many recommendations, so you must first focus on the ones that will boost the targeted KPI.
Spend time coming up with solutions as a business on how to address the problems. Sometimes the business must create a process that can be incorporated into the chatbot to allow users to be made aware of the process.
Speak to the subject matter experts in that line of business and figure out how to better handle the issue and resolve it. The bot expert is not always the person who knows what the solution should be. You also want to be sure that the solution gives the best value to the user.
Prioritize enhancements that have the biggest impacts.
Prioritize reviewing and enhancing the experiences that have the highest volume because these are the primary topics that users reach out about and have the largest impact on KPIs.
It is important that multiple people from the business perform quality assurance tests on the changes before releasing to production. You must first see if there are any bugs and then get input from users that are not from the bot management team as to whether they find value in the new experience.
You can immediately measure the impact of the release on a daily basis using the Performance Comparison tab.