Create and manage on-demand report jobs
Before you can create an on-demand job, you must download Cloud deployment workflow YAML files from Github and edit them to replace placeholder strings with the tenant’s name.
- Data Real Time Administration permission
- Cloud deployment workflow YAML files for the tenant
Page location
Application Management > Data Management > Real-Time (RT) Job Management
Create an on-demand job
- Open the Real-Time (RT) Job Management page. The Create OnDemand Job is displayed.
- On the Create OnDemand Job page, click Select Config and choose the workflow YAML file to be used for this job.
Click Upload. If the file is uploaded successfully, you will see a Status message of 200.
NOTE You must have a successful upload before you can submit the job.
Complete the fields in the lower half of the page as follows.
Job Name
Optional. Enter a descriptive name for the job. The name can be up to 128 characters long. The first character must be alphanumeric. Allowable characters are alphanumeric, hyphens, and underscores.
Job Definition
Select the appropriate job definition from the drop-down list. Click the View Job Definition button to view the job definition’s properties, including the name, build version, memory, and vCPU.
Job Type
Select the appropriate job type from the drop-down list.
Job Queue
Select the appropriate job queue from the drop-down list. Click View Job Queue to view the job queue’s properties, including the name of the queue and its priority.
- Click Submit. If the job is submitted successfully, you will see a Status message of 200.
Manage an on-demand job
- Open the Real-Time (RT) Job Management page.
- In the left-hand navigation pane, click OnDemand Jobs > Manage.
On the Ondemand Jobs page, select the appropriate job queue from the drop-down list.
- You can search for the jobs in the job queue you selected with the Search button. Otherwise, all jobs for the job queue are listed.
- Clear your job queue selection with the Clear button.
- Refresh the job queue list with the Refresh button.
Jobs that are successfully launched and running display their status as RUNNING. Click the red X button to terminate a running job and change its status to FAILED.