Configure Legacy API Access

This page allows you to enable access to legacy APIs. Access to legacy APIs is necessary if you have applications that are not part of core Calabrio ONE products. Below are examples of applications that require legacy API access.

  • Innovation Center applications
  • Calabrio Professional Services custom applications
  • Customer-owned custom applications


  • The Administer Org. Structure permission.
  • Calabrio ONE Cloud with the Calabrio ONE IAM Service implemented.

Page location

Application Management > Global > User Configuration > Legacy API Access


Enable legacy API access for a user

  1. Click Enable or disable legacy API access for a user.
  2. Under User Information, select a user from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Enable legacy API Access.
  4. Under Password, enter your API password and confirm your API password.
  5. Click Save.

Disable legacy API access for a user

  1. Click Disable legacy API access for a set of users.
  2. Under Select Users, select a user from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Save.

NOTE   More than one user can be enabled or disabled at a time by selecting multiple users from the Select Users drop-down list.

Related topics

Manage roles and permissions for QM, Analytics, and Insights — Learn more about the Administer Org. Structure permission.

View the Calabrio ONE API Reference Guide on the Calabrio Success Center.