WFM and Aspect WFM Terminology Guide

This terminology guide translates terms from Aspect to Calabrio ONE WFM terms that are equivalent or similar. Use this to help acclimate yourself and your team to Calabrio ONE WFM.

General Format

Entries in this terminology guide are formatted in the following way.

[word 1] • [word 2]
This means [word 1] in Aspect WFM is comparable to [word 2] in Calabrio ONE WFM.

NOTE   There are also entries that compare multiple words to each other.
For example, description, notenotes.

Below, is an example of an entry in the Verint terminology guide and an explanation of its structure. This guide follows the same structure, except it compares Aspect to Calabrio ONE, not Verint to Calabrio ONE.

Where in the above example.

  1. Is a Verint WFM term.
  2. Is a term in Calabrio ONE WFM that is being compared to the Verint WFM term.
  3. A general definition that is true for both the Verint term and Calabrio ONE term.
  4. Additional information about the term that only applies to the the Verint version of the word.
  5. Additional information about the term that only applies to the Calabrio ONE version of the word.
  6. The location of the feature, field, or component in Calabrio ONE.

NOTE   Parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 may or may not appear in a term’s entry depending on the term.

Types of terms

The purpose of this document is to guide you through potential areas of confusion specific to terminology when transitioning from Aspect WFM to Calabrio ONE WFM. Areas of confusion typically manifest because the words in question are homonymous or synonymous. Learn more about how these types of words are handled in this guide below.

Type Description

Homonyms are words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. There are instances where Aspect WFM and Calabrio ONE WFM use the same word but the words have very different meanings in these two products. A real-world example is bark, which means a tree’s outer layer and the sound a dog makes.

The example terms below compare Verint to Calabrio ONE.

EXAMPLE   projectproject
Verint: Projects optimize agent idle times when contact volume is low.
Calabrio ONE: Projects are a type of skill. A skill is a staffing forecast that defines a resource need to be fulfilled during scheduling. Projects are primarily used for long-term tasks that do not need to be performed at any particular time or with short intervals.

A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or a phrase. There are instances where Aspect WFM and Calabrio ONE WFM use different words that have the same or similar meanings in the two products. A real-world example of a synonym is big, which is synonymous with large and huge.

EXAMPLE   security key, security profilesfunction permissions
Aspect: A security key gives you ability to access a specific function or data. Security profiles are a set of permissions that control what a user can do and what data they can access.
Calabrio ONE: The ability to access a specific function or data.
Select the role you wish to modify and click the Functions tab to set function permissions.
Same word same meaning With all these homonyms and synonyms it’s easy to get tripped up. That’s why it’s good to know when something means exactly what you think it means. You can rest easy whenever you see these terms in Calabrio ONE. These are typically universal terms in the workforce optimization industry so there are no surprises here.
EXAMPLE   audit trail audit trail
A record of changes made by users.
Calabrio ONE WFM has both a general audit trail and a scheduling audit trail.
Run both types of audit trail reports on the Reports page.

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