WFM Forecast Skill vs Schedule dataset

The WFM Forecast Skill vs. Schedule dataset contains the following data:

Forecast Skill vs. Schedule

Data field Definition
ESL (%) The estimated service level percentage.
ESL incl Shrinkage (%) The estimated service level percentage, taking shrinkage into account.
Forecasted Agents The number of agents that the forecast indicates you will need.
Forecasted Agents incl Shrinkage The number of agents that the forecast indicates you will need, taking shrinkage into account.
Forecasted Time (s) Total contact time, in seconds, that will need to be scheduled for.
Forecasted Time incl Shrinkage (s) Total contact time, in seconds, that will need to be scheduled for, taking shrinkage into account.
Forecasted Volume The volumes on workloads, no matter what Forecast method type the workloads and skills you are using belong to.
Forecasted Volume incl Shrinkage The forecasted volume of calls that you will need to schedule for, taking shrinkage into account.
Predicted Answered Within SL The number of calls that WFM predicts will be answered within your organization's desired service level.
Predicted Answered Within SL incl Shrinkage The number of calls that WFM predicts will be answered within your organization's desired service level, taking shrinkage into account.
Schedule Date Interval The base level interval marker that underlies all schedules. Format is MMDDYYHHMM.
Schedule vs Forecast Intraday Deviation (m) Deviation in absolute minutes between scheduled time and forecasted time.
Schedule vs Forecast Intraday Deviation (s) Deviation in absolute seconds between scheduled time and forecasted time.
Schedule vs Forecast Relative Difference (%) The difference between scheduled and forecasted time as a percentage value, counted as (Scheduled Time - Forecasted Time) / Forecasted Time.
Schedule vs Forecast Relative Difference incl Shrinkage (%) The difference between scheduled and forecasted time as a percentage value, with shrinkage applied.
Scheduled Agents The number of agents scheduled for a specific date or interval.
Scheduled Time (h) All the scheduled time in hours, regardless if it is contract time, work time, or absence time.
Scheduled Time (m) All the scheduled time in minutes, regardless if it is contract time, work time, or absence time.
Scheduled Time (s) All the scheduled time in seconds, regardless if it is contract time, work time, or absence time.
Standard Deviation The standard deviation is used to indicate how much scheduled hours deviates from forecasted hours during a particular time period (most often a single day).


Data field Definition
Is Default Scenario Whether or not the scenario is the default. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
Is Scenario Deleted Whether or not a scenario is deleted. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
Scenario Code The Calabrio ONE database GUID for the scenario.
Scenario Name Scenarios are used to test the consequences different factors have on staffing. A schedule can be created in any scenario, but for it to be published and visible for agents, it has to be in the default scenario. Requests by agents are only visible in the default scenario.
Scenario Name (Business Unit) The name of the scenario with the name of the business unit in parentheses after it.
Scenario Status Whether the scenario is Active or Deleted.


Data field Definition
Forecast Method Code The definition of how a skill works in Forecasts. Forecast methods that are available for skills in Forecasts are Back Office, Chat, Email, Fax, Inbound Telephony, Project, Retail, and Time.
Forecast Method Name The definition of how a skill works in Forecasts. Forecast methods that are available for skills in Forecasts are Back Office, Chat, Email, Fax, Inbound Telephony, Project, Retail, and Time.
Is Skill Deleted Whether or not a skill is deleted. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
Skill Code The Calabrio ONE database GUID for a skill.
Skill Name

A skill is a staffing forecast that defines a resource need to be fulfilled during scheduling. In order to be scheduled, agents must be assigned to at least one skill. The Skill status shows if the skill is active or deleted in the system.

Skill Status Whether the skill is Active or Deleted.


Data field Definition

The Calabrio ONE database ID for the Calabrio realm that the tenant is in.


The Calabrio ONE database ID for the tenant.