
Subjects control how you want the business metrics (measures) grouped in a report. These are text fields that are used as category-style groupings, such as a team, a queue, or a department in your business.

Data as of 05 October 2022

Display name







Absence Type

All absence types that could be added to schedules in the WFM system. Status property shows if the absence is active or deleted in the system.

Absence Type

Absence ID



Absence Type Short Name, Absence Type Status, Absence Type, Absence Type Display Color

Active/Deleted Record Filter

Marks if a record is still active in the WFM system or if it has been deleted. Filter by "Active record" or "Deleted record."

Active/Deleted Record

Active/Deleted Record




Activity Endtime (Adherence Details)

Time subject representing the time when a scheduled activity ends for an agent (detailed adherence data).

Activity Endtime (Adherence Details)

Activity Endtime (Adherence Details)




Activity Start Time

Time subject representing the date and time that a scheduled agent activity starts.

Activity Start Time

Activity Starttime




Activity Type

All activity types that could be added to schedules in the system. Status property shows if the activity is active or deleted in the system.

Activity Type

Activity ID



Activity Type Status, Activity Type, Activity Type Display Color

Adherence Change Row ID

Row ID for detailed adherence status.

Adherence Change ID

Adherence Change ID




Adherence Type

Type of adherence state for an agent: In, Out or Neutral.

Adherence Type

Adherence Type




Agent Skill Set

A unique combination of assigned skills for an agent.

Agent Skill Set

Agent Skill Set ID



Agent Skill Set

Business Unit

The organizational unit at the top of the business hierarchy. It can contain one or more sites.

Business Unit Name

Business Unit ID



Business Unit Code, Business Unit Name

Day Off

All day-off types available in the system. A day off is a scheduled non-work day, or weekly resting day, for an agent during a period.

Day Off Name

Day Off ID



Day Off Shortname, Day Off Name

External Logon

External logon denotes login identities imported from external systems, used for single sign in, to access external data, or to synchronize user accounts and provide statistics. A single user can have several external logon accounts, providing separate statistics for each account. Several users can share the same external logon, but this is generally not recommended, since in this case no distinct statistics per user can be provided.

External Logon Name

External Logon ID



External Logon Name, Log Data Source

Forecast Method

The definition how a skill works in Forecasts. Forecast methods that are available for skills in Forecasts are Back Office, Chat, Email, Fax, Inbound Telephony, Project, Retail, and Time.






Group Page

All groups (default or user defined) that are available in group pages (default or user defined) in WFM system.

Group Name

Group Page ID



Group Page Type, Group Name

Group Page Type

Description of what the group page is based on, fields like Note, Part-Time Percentage, Shift bag, Contract, or optional columns.

Group Page Type

Group Page Type ID



Group Page Type

Overtime Type

All overtime types available in the system.

Overtime Name

Overtime ID



Overtime Name, Overtime Type Status

Preference Type

Preferences are used to allow agents to give input regarding their desired shifts. The preferences may concern work shifts within a shift category. It is also possible to allow the agents to enter preferences regarding days off or absences such as vacation.

Preference Type

Preference Type ID



Preference Type


A queue is where calls are placed as they are handled by the ACD/CTI platform and holds the calls until an agent is available. Data from the platform is used by the WFM system as a basis for workloads.

Queue Name

Queue ID



Queue Name, Log Data Source

Request ID

A unique ID representing an agent request message made in the WFM system. The request could be of different types such as Absence, Shift trade, or text requests.

Request ID

Request ID



Request ID

Request Status

Request Status shows in which state a request is, such as "Approved," "Pending," "Denied," etc. Requests are manually or automatically managed messages with absence, shift trade, or text requests.

Request Status

Request Status ID



Request Status

Request Type

Requests are manually or automatically managed messages with absence, shift trade, or text requests.

Request Type

Request Type ID



Request Type


Scenarios are used to test the consequences different factors have on staffing. A schedule can be created in any scenario, but for it to be published and visible for agents, it has to be in the default scenario. Requests by agents are only visible in the default scenario.

Scenario Name

Scenario ID



Scenario Name, Scenario Name (Business Unit), Scenario Status, Default Scenario

Shift Category

A shift category is a group page for shifts. The shift categories are used for e.g. preferences, rotations, fairness, and shift category limitations.

Shift Category Name

Shift Category ID



Shift Category Shortname, Shift Category Name, Shift Category Status

Shift Length

The shift length is the total time of a shift. Use the Shift Length to sort or filter measures for Agent Schedule and Preferences.

Shift Length (h)

Shift Length ID



Shift Length (h), Shift Length (m)


A site is a unit in the business hierarchy, belonging to a business unit and containing one or more teams.

Site Name

Site ID



Site Name, Site Code


A skill is a staffing forecast that defines a resource need to be fulfilled during scheduling. Agents must be assigned to one or several skills to be scheduled. The Skill status shows if the skill is active or deleted in the system.

Skill Name

Skill ID



Skill Name, Skill Status, forecast_method_name, Business Unit ID, Business Unit Name Skill

State Group

A group of related states from the ACD platform. The state groups are created in WFM Options.

State Group

State Group ID



State Group

WFM Person Name

The full name of the person/agent in the WFM system. A person is considered to be an agent if he/she belongs to a team. The person code/ID connected is a unique identfier for the person in the WFM system regardless of person period.

Person Name

Person Code



Person First Name, Person Name, Person Email

WFM Person (Period)

All persons/agents have person periods with scheduled data in the WFM system. A person period defines a work period for an agent.

Person Name

Person ID



Person Email, Person Code, Person First Name, Person Last Name, Person Note, Person Period Start Date (Agent Local), Person Contract, Parttime Percentage, Employment Number, Person Is Agent, Person Name

WFM Team

A team is a business hierarchy unit. It belongs to a site and contains a group of agents.

Team Name

Team ID



Team Name, WFM Team Code

WFM Team Code


WFM Team Code

WFM Team Code





A workload is a set of data (historical or simulated) indicating the volume of calls, emails, or other work that is to be performed by agents and scheduled in WFM. A workload may be associated with a number of queues that share the same open hours and follow a common pattern. A workload must be connected to a skill.


Workload ID



Workload, Workload Status, Workload Calculation Percentage Abandoned, Workload Calculation Percentage Abandoned After SL, Workload Calculation Percentage Abandoned Short Calls, Workload Calculation Percentage Abandoned Within SL, Workload Calculation Percentage Offered, Workload Calculation Percentage Overflow In, Workload Calculation Percentage Overflow Out