AgentFirstName |
agent_first_name |
Text |
The agent’s first name. |
AgentId |
agent_id |
Y |
Text |
A unique number to identify an agent. |
AgentLastName |
agent_last_name |
Text |
The agent’s last name. |
AnsweringApplication |
answering_application |
Text |
The unique number to identify an application. |
AnsweringCDN |
answering_cdn |
Text |
A special directory number that allows incoming calls to be queued at a CDN when they arrive at the switch. Includes AnsweringCDN_Low and AnsweringCDN_High. |
AnsweringDNIS |
answering_dnis |
Text |
The phone number dialed by the incoming caller. Includes AnsweringDNIS_Low and AnsweringDNIS_High. |
AnsweringSkillset |
answering_skillset |
Text |
The ID of a skillset for which this agent is currently answering a skillset call. |
current time |
interval_epoch |
Number |
The current time. |
DNInCallAnswered |
dn_in_calls_answered |
Text |
The number of DN calls answered by an agent. |
DNInTimeInState |
dn_in_time_in_state |
Text |
The length of time an agent has been in the DN IN state; that is, answering incoming DN calls. |
DNOutCall |
dn_out_calls |
Text |
The number of DN calls made by an agent. |
DNOutCallNumber |
dn_out_call_num |
Text |
The DN number dialed by the agent. This includes DNOutCallNumber_High and DNOutCallNumber_Low. |
DNOutTimeInState |
dn_out_time_in_state |
Text |
The length of time an agent has been in the DN OUT state; that is, making outgoing DN calls. |
EpochTimestamp |
message_epoch |
Number |
The timestamp in Epoch format. |
NotReadyReasonCode |
not_ready_reason |
Text |
The Not Ready reason code entered by the agent. This includes NotReadyReasonCode_High and NotReadyReasonCode_Low. |
PostionId |
position_id |
Text |
A unique identifier of the agent’s position ID. |
SiteDB |
site |
Y |
Text |
The site designation of the ACD. This value is determined by the customer. |
SkillName |
skill_name |
Text |
The name of the skillset. |
SkillsetCallsAnswered |
skillset_calls_answered |
Text |
The number of local and incoming network CDN calls answered by an agent. |
State |
state |
Text |
The state the agent is currently in. The state can be one single state or a combination of two or more states. |
StateName |
state_name |
Text |
The name of the state the agent is currently in. |
SupervisorFirstName |
supervisor_first_name |
Text |
That supervisor’s first name. |
SupervisorId |
supervisor_id |
Text |
The agent’s primary supervisor’s unique identifier. |
SupervisorLastName |
supervisor_last_name |
Text |
The supervisor’s last name. |
SupervisorUserId |
supervisor_user_id |
Text |
The agent’s primary supervisor blue user ID. |
TimeInNRRC |
time_in_nrrc |
Text |
The length of time that the agent has been in the Not Ready reason code. |
TimeInState |
time_in_state |
Text |
The length of time that the agent has been in this state. The only exception is when the agent is on a DN call, in which case the agent state is shown as Busy. |