Data sets
A data set is a container that holds data and information about that data’s structure, layout, and format. It is a single store of related data in the data model. This table lists the data sets that are part of the Calabrio ONE data model and the data fields (columns) that belong in each data set.
Dataset Name | Column Name | Column Type | Formula Text | Included | Mapped | Mapped To |
Activity Code Stat | act_activityshortname | STRING | [act_activityshortname] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_activitycodename | STRING | [act_activitycodename] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_applicationid | NUMBER | [act_applicationid] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_application | STRING | [act_application] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_agentlogin | NUMBER | [act_agentlogin] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_agentsurname | STRING | [act_agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_agentgivenname | STRING | [act_agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_activitytime | NUMBER | [act_activitytime] | Yes | Yes | Activity Time |
Activity Code Stat | act_occurrences | NUMBER | [act_occurrences] | Yes | Yes | Activity Occurrences |
Activity Code Stat | act_time | STRING | [act_time] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_siteid | NUMBER | [act_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_site | STRING | [act_site] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_sitedb | STRING | [act_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | No | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_activitycode | NUMBER | [act_activitycode] | Yes | No | |
Activity Code Stat | act_timestamp_utc | DATE | [act_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_agentgivenname | STRING | [aba_agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_application | STRING | [aba_application] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_timestamp_utc | DATE | [aba_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_agentlogin | NUMBER | [aba_agentlogin] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_agentsurname | STRING | [aba_agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_applicationid | NUMBER | [aba_applicationid] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_postcallprocessingtime | NUMBER | [aba_postcallprocessingtime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Post Call Processing Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_contacttype | STRING | [aba_contacttype] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callsanswered | NUMBER | [aba_callsanswered] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Answered |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_sitedb | STRING | [aba_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callsreturntoqduetotimeout | NUMBER | [aba_callsreturntoqduetotimeout] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Returned To Queue Due To Timeout |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callsreturntoq | NUMBER | [aba_callsreturntoq] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Returned To Queue |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callsoffered | NUMBER | [aba_callsoffered] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Offered |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callsconferenced | NUMBER | [aba_callsconferenced] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Conferenced |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_dnoutinttalktime | NUMBER | [aba_dnoutinttalktime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Outgoing Internal DN Call Talk Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_ringtime | NUMBER | [aba_ringtime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Ring Time |
Agent By Application Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_callstransferred | NUMBER | [aba_callstransferred] | Yes | Yes | ABA Calls Transferred |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_consulttime | NUMBER | [aba_consulttime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Consult Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_holdtime | NUMBER | [aba_holdtime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Hold Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_waittime | NUMBER | [aba_waittime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Wait Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_site | STRING | [aba_site] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_siteid | NUMBER | [aba_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_talktime | NUMBER | [aba_talktime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Talk Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_dnoutexttalktime | NUMBER | [aba_dnoutexttalktime] | Yes | Yes | ABA Outgoing External DN Call Talk Time |
Agent By Application Stat | aba_time | STRING | [aba_time] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_dnoutexttalktime | NUMBER | [abs_dnoutexttalktime] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_dnoutinttalktime | NUMBER | [abs_dnoutinttalktime] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callsconferenced | NUMBER | [abs_callsconferenced] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Conferenced |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callsoffered | NUMBER | [abs_callsoffered] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Offered |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_sitedb | STRING | [abs_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callsreturntoqduetotimeout | NUMBER | [abs_callsreturntoqduetotimeout] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Return To Skillset Queue Due To Timeout |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_ringtime | NUMBER | [abs_ringtime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Ring Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callstransferred | NUMBER | [abs_callstransferred] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Transferred |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callsreturntoq | NUMBER | [abs_callsreturntoq] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Return To Skillset Queue |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_consulttime | NUMBER | [abs_consulttime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Consult Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_postcallprocessingtime | NUMBER | [abs_postcallprocessingtime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Post Call Processing Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_waittime | NUMBER | [abs_waittime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Wait Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_site | STRING | [abs_site] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_siteid | NUMBER | [abs_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_totalstaffedtime | NUMBER | [abs_totalstaffedtime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Total Staffed Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_talktime | NUMBER | [abs_talktime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Talk Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_shortcallsanswered | NUMBER | [abs_shortcallsanswered] | Yes | Yes | ABS Short Calls Answered |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_callsanswered | NUMBER | [abs_callsanswered] | Yes | Yes | ABS Calls Answered |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_contacttype | STRING | [abs_contacttype] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_skillset | STRING | [abs_skillset] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_skillsetid | NUMBER | [abs_skillsetid] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_agentgivenname | STRING | [abs_agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_agentsurname | STRING | [abs_agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_agentlogin | NUMBER | [abs_agentlogin] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_timestamp_utc | DATE | [abs_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_holdtime | NUMBER | [abs_holdtime] | Yes | Yes | ABS Hold Time |
Agent By Skillset Stat | abs_time | STRING | [abs_time] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agls_timestamp_utc | DATE | [agls_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agentlogin | NUMBER | [agentlogin] | Yes | Yes | Agent Login |
Agent Login Stat | agentsurname | STRING | [agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agentgivenname | STRING | [agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agent_key | NUMBER | [agent_key] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | eventtype | STRING | [eventtype] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | userid | STRING | [userid] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | date_key | NUMBER | [date_key] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | time | STRING | [time] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | siteid | NUMBER | [siteid] | Yes | Yes | Site ID |
Agent Login Stat | site | STRING | [site] | Yes | Yes | Site |
Agent Login Stat | time_key | NUMBER | [time_key] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | duration | NUMBER | [duration] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | firsteventtimestamp_utc | STRING | [firsteventtimestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | positionid | NUMBER | [positionid] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | supervisor_firstname | STRING | [supervisor_firstname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | supervisor_surname | STRING | [supervisor_surname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | update_timestamp | DATE | [update_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agent_department | STRING | [agent_department] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | sequencenumber | NUMBER | [sequencenumber] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | firsteventtimestamp | DATE | [firsteventtimestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent Login Stat | agent_title | STRING | [agent_title] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_supervisorgivenname | STRING | [agp_supervisorgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_timestamp_utc | DATE | [agp_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_agentlogin | NUMBER | [agp_agentlogin] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_agentsurname | STRING | [agp_agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_agentgivenname | STRING | [agp_agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_supervisorlogin | NUMBER | [agp_supervisorlogin] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_supervisorsurname | STRING | [agp_supervisorsurname] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallsanswered | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallsanswered] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACD Calls Answered |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallsconftoother | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallsconftoother] | Yes | Yes | AGP CDNCallsConfToOther |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallsconftodn | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallsconftodn] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACDCallsConfToDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninintcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_dninintcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Incoming Internal DN Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutextcalls | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutextcalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP Outgoing External DN Calls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutextcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutextcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Outgoing External DN Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutintcalls | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutintcalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP Outgoing Internal DN Calls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutintcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutintcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Outgoing Internal DN Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_holdtime | NUMBER | [agp_holdtime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Hold Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_loggedintime | NUMBER | [agp_loggedintime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Loggedin Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_nacdcallsanswered | NUMBER | [agp_nacdcallsanswered] | Yes | Yes | AGP NACD Calls Answered |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_nacdcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_nacdcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP NACD Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_networkcallsanswered | NUMBER | [agp_networkcallsanswered] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_networkcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_networkcallstalktime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_notreadytime | NUMBER | [agp_notreadytime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Not Ready Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_reservedforcall | NUMBER | [agp_reservedforcall] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninintcalls | NUMBER | [agp_dninintcalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP Incoming Internal DN Calls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_reservedtime | NUMBER | [agp_reservedtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_shortcallsanswered | NUMBER | [agp_shortcallsanswered] | Yes | Yes | AGP Short Calls Answered |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_talktime | NUMBER | [agp_talktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_waitingtime | NUMBER | [agp_waitingtime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Waiting Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_walkawaytime | NUMBER | [agp_walkawaytime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Walk Away Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_time | STRING | [agp_time] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_siteid | NUMBER | [agp_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_site | STRING | [agp_site] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninextcallsholdtime | NUMBER | [agp_dninextcallsholdtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninintcallsholdtime | NUMBER | [agp_dninintcallsholdtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutextcallsholdtime | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutextcallsholdtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dnoutintcallsholdtime | NUMBER | [agp_dnoutintcallsholdtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_numbertimesnotready | NUMBER | [agp_numbertimesnotready] | Yes | Yes | AGP Number Of Times Not Ready |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_sitedb | STRING | [agp_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_ringtime | NUMBER | [agp_ringtime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Ring Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninextcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_dninextcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Incoming External DN Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dninextcalls | NUMBER | [agp_dninextcalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP Incoming External DN Calls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallstransferredtoother | NUMBER | [agp_dncallstransferredtoother] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallsconftoincalls | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallsconftoincalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACDCallsConfToIncalls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallsconftoother | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallsconftoother] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACDCallsConfToOther |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallstalktime | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACD Calls Talk Time |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallstransferredtocdn | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallstransferredtocdn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallstransferredtodn | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallstransferredtodn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallstransferredtoincalls | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallstransferredtoincalls] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallstransferredtoother | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallstransferredtoother] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_breaktime | NUMBER | [agp_breaktime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_busyondntime | NUMBER | [agp_busyondntime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_busymisctime | NUMBER | [agp_busymisctime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_callsanswered | NUMBER | [agp_callsanswered] | Yes | Yes | AGP Calls Answered |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_callsoffered | NUMBER | [agp_callsoffered] | Yes | Yes | AGP Calls Offered |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_callsreturnedtoq | NUMBER | [agp_callsreturnedtoq] | Yes | Yes | AGP Calls Returned To Queue |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_callsreturnedtoqduetotimeout | NUMBER | [agp_callsreturnedtoqduetotimeout] | Yes | Yes | AGP Calls Returned To Queue Due To Timeout |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallsconftocdn | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallsconftocdn] | Yes | Yes | AGP CDNCallsConfToCDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallsconftodn | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallsconftodn] | Yes | Yes | AGP CDNCallsConfToDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallsconftoincalls | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallsconftoincalls] | Yes | Yes | AGP CDNCallsConfToIncalls |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallstransferredtocdn | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallstransferredtocdn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallstransferredtodn | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallstransferredtodn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallstransferredtoincalls | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallstransferredtoincalls] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_cdncallstransferredtoother | NUMBER | [agp_cdncallstransferredtoother] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_consultationtime | NUMBER | [agp_consultationtime] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallsconftoacddn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallsconftoacddn] | Yes | Yes | AGP DNCallsConfToACDDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallsconftocdn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallsconftocdn] | Yes | Yes | AGP DNCallsConfToCDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallsconftodn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallsconftodn] | Yes | Yes | AGP DNCallsConfToDN |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallsconftoother | NUMBER | [agp_dncallsconftoother] | Yes | Yes | AGP DNCallsConfToOther |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallstransferredtoacddn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallstransferredtoacddn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallstransferredtocdn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallstransferredtocdn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_dncallstransferredtodn | NUMBER | [agp_dncallstransferredtodn] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_acdcallsconftocdn | NUMBER | [agp_acdcallsconftocdn] | Yes | Yes | AGP ACDCallsConfToCDN |
Agent Performance Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
Agent Performance Stat | agp_postcallprocessingtime | NUMBER | [agp_postcallprocessingtime] | Yes | Yes | AGP Post Call Processing Time |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay30 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay30] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_talktime | NUMBER | [app_talktime] | Yes | Yes | APP Talk Time |
Application Stat | app_waittime | NUMBER | [app_waittime] | Yes | Yes | APP Wait Time |
Application Stat | app_dnoutextcallstalktime | NUMBER | [app_dnoutextcallstalktime] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_dnoutintcallstalktime | NUMBER | [app_dnoutintcallstalktime] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay2 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay2] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay4 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay4] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay6 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay6] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay8 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay8] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay10 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay10] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay12 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay12] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_postcallprocessingtime | NUMBER | [app_postcallprocessingtime] | Yes | Yes | APP Post Call Processing Time |
Application Stat | app_abddelay14 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay14] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay18 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay18] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay20 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay20] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay22 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay22] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay24 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay24] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay26 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay26] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay28 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay28] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay30 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay30] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay32 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay32] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay34 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay34] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay36 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay36] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay16 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay16] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay38 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay38] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforerouteto | NUMBER | [app_timebeforerouteto] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforenetout | NUMBER | [app_timebeforenetout] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callstransferredout | NUMBER | [app_callstransferredout] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Transferred Out |
Application Stat | app_ivrabandoned | NUMBER | [app_ivrabandoned] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ivrterminated | NUMBER | [app_ivrterminated] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ivrtransferred | NUMBER | [app_ivrtransferred] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_maxcallsabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [app_maxcallsabandoneddelay] | Yes | Yes | APP Max Calls Abandoned Delay |
Application Stat | app_maxcallsansdelay | NUMBER | [app_maxcallsansdelay] | Yes | Yes | APP Max Calls Answered Delay |
Application Stat | app_maxcallsansdelayatskillset | NUMBER | [app_maxcallsansdelayatskillset] | Yes | Yes | APP Max Calls Answered Delay At Skillset |
Application Stat | app_maxnetoutcallsabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [app_maxnetoutcallsabandoneddelay] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_maxnetoutcallsanswereddelay | NUMBER | [app_maxnetoutcallsanswereddelay] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcalls | NUMBER | [app_netoutcalls] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforereachnonisdn | NUMBER | [app_timebeforereachnonisdn] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcallsabandoned | NUMBER | [app_netoutcallsabandoned] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcallsanswered | NUMBER | [app_netoutcallsanswered] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcallsanswereddelay | NUMBER | [app_netoutcallsanswereddelay] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcallsreachnonisdn | NUMBER | [app_netoutcallsreachnonisdn] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforedefault | NUMBER | [app_timebeforedefault] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforeforcebusy | NUMBER | [app_timebeforeforcebusy] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforeforcedisconnect | NUMBER | [app_timebeforeforcedisconnect] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforeforceoverflow | NUMBER | [app_timebeforeforceoverflow] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforeinterflow | NUMBER | [app_timebeforeinterflow] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforeivrtransferred | NUMBER | [app_timebeforeivrtransferred] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_timebeforenacdout | NUMBER | [app_timebeforenacdout] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_netoutcallsabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [app_netoutcallsabandoneddelay] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay40 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay40] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay42 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay42] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay44 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay44] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay8 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay8] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay6 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay6] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay4 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay4] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay2 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay2] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelaybeyond | NUMBER | [app_abddelaybeyond] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay600 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay600] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay540 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay540] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay480 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay480] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay420 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay420] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay360 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay360] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay10 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay10] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay300 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay300] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay280 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay280] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay270 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay270] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay260 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay260] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay250 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay250] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay240 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay240] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay230 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay230] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay220 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay220] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay210 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay210] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay200 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay200] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay170 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay170] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay290 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay290] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay12 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay12] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay14 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay14] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay16 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay16] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay46 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay46] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay48 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay48] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay50 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay50] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay52 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay52] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay54 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay54] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay56 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay56] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay58 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay58] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay60 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay60] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay70 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay70] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay80 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay80] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay90 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay90] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay100 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay100] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay110 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay110] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay28 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay28] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay120 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay120] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay130 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay130] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay140 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay140] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay150 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay150] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay160 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay160] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay24 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay24] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay22 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay22] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay20 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay20] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay18 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay18] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callstransferredin | NUMBER | [app_callstransferredin] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Transferred In |
Application Stat | app_callsoffered | NUMBER | [app_callsoffered] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Offered |
Application Stat | app_callsnacdout | NUMBER | [app_callsnacdout] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenrouteto | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenrouteto] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay190 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay190] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay200 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay200] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay210 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay210] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay220 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay220] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay230 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay230] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay240 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay240] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay250 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay250] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay260 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay260] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay270 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay270] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay280 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay280] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay180 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay180] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay290 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay290] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay360 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay360] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay420 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay420] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay480 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay480] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay540 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay540] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay600 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay600] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelaybeyond | NUMBER | [app_ansdelaybeyond] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | time | STRING | [time] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | siteid | NUMBER | [siteid] | No | Yes | Site ID |
Application Stat | site | STRING | [site] | No | Yes | Site |
Application Stat | contacttype | STRING | [contacttype] | Yes | Yes | Contact Type |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay300 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay300] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay170 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay170] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay160 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay160] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay150 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay150] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay32 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay32] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay34 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay34] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay36 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay36] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay38 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay38] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay40 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay40] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay42 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay42] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay44 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay44] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay46 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay46] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay48 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay48] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay50 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay50] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay52 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay52] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay54 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay54] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay56 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay56] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay58 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay58] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay60 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay60] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay70 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay70] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay80 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay80] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay90 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay90] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay100 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay100] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay110 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay110] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay120 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay120] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay130 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay130] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay140 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay140] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | No | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay180 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay180] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_time | STRING | [app_time] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_site | STRING | [app_site] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | applicationid | NUMBER | [applicationid] | Yes | Yes | Application ID |
Application Stat | application | STRING | [application] | Yes | Yes | Application |
Application Stat | app_callsabandoned | NUMBER | [app_callsabandoned] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Abandoned |
Application Stat | app_callsabandonedaftthreshold | NUMBER | [app_callsabandonedaftthreshold] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Abandoned After Threshold |
Application Stat | app_callsabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [app_callsabandoneddelay] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Abandoned Delay |
Application Stat | app_callsanswered | NUMBER | [app_callsanswered] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Answered |
Application Stat | app_ansdelay26 | NUMBER | [app_ansdelay26] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsansweredaftthreshold | NUMBER | [app_callsansweredaftthreshold] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Answered After Threshold |
Application Stat | app_callsanswereddelay | NUMBER | [app_callsanswereddelay] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Answered Delay |
Application Stat | app_callsanswereddelayatskillset | NUMBER | [app_callsanswereddelayatskillset] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Answered Delay At Skillset |
Application Stat | app_timestamp_utc | DATE | [app_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsconferencedin | NUMBER | [app_callsconferencedin] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Conferenced In |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenbroadcast | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenbroadcast] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivendefault | NUMBER | [app_callsgivendefault] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenforcebusy | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenforcebusy] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenforcedisconnect | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenforcedisconnect] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenforceoverflow | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenforceoverflow] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenhostlookup | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenhostlookup] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenivr | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenivr] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenmusic | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenmusic] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivennacd | NUMBER | [app_callsgivennacd] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsgivenran | NUMBER | [app_callsgivenran] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_callsconferencedout | NUMBER | [app_callsconferencedout] | Yes | Yes | APP Calls Conferenced Out |
Application Stat | app_siteid | NUMBER | [app_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_abddelay190 | NUMBER | [app_abddelay190] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_contacttype | STRING | [app_contacttype] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | app_sitedb | STRING | [app_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Application Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | custid | NUMBER | [custid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | ccmid | NUMBER | [ccmid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | contactoriginatedstamp | DATE | [contactoriginatedstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | originatedstamp | DATE | [originatedstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | date_key | NUMBER | [date_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | time_key | NUMBER | [time_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | activity_key | NUMBER | [activity_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | code | NUMBER | [code] | Yes | Yes | CSR Code |
CSR Code Stat | codename | STRING | [codename] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | codestartstamp | DATE | [codestartstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | is_activity_code | NUMBER | [is_activity_code] | Yes | Yes | is_activity_code |
CSR Code Stat | is_pcp_code | NUMBER | [is_pcp_code] | Yes | Yes | is_pcp_code |
CSR Code Stat | duration | NUMBER | [duration] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | codetype | NUMBER | [codetype] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | codesequence | NUMBER | [codesequence] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | activity_name | STRING | [activity_name] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | activity_shortname | STRING | [activity_shortname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | update_timestamp | DATE | [update_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | contactoriginatedstamp_utc | STRING | [contactoriginatedstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | originatedstamp_utc | STRING | [originatedstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | codestartstamp_utc | STRING | [codestartstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Code Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | servicestamp_utc | STRING | [servicestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | originatedinterval | DATE | [originatedinterval] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillsetid | NUMBER | [skillsetid] | Yes | Yes | Skillset ID |
CSR Stat | skillsetname | STRING | [skillsetname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillsetqueuedstamp | DATE | [skillsetqueuedstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | localuserid | NUMBER | [localuserid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agentsurname | STRING | [agentsurname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agentgivenname | STRING | [agentgivenname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | supervisorsurname | STRING | [supervisorsurname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | supervisorgivenname | STRING | [supervisorgivenname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agentid | NUMBER | [agentid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | supervisorid | NUMBER | [supervisorid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | initialdisposition | STRING | [initialdisposition] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | servicestamp | DATE | [servicestamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | appabandondelay | NUMBER | [appabandondelay] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | appaccepteddelay | NUMBER | [appaccepteddelay] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | sksabandondelay | NUMBER | [sksabandondelay] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | sksaccepteddelay | NUMBER | [sksaccepteddelay] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | handlingtime | NUMBER | [handlingtime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | consulttime | NUMBER | [consulttime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | holdtime | NUMBER | [holdtime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | numberoftimesonhold | NUMBER | [numberoftimesonhold] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | numberoftimesrtq | NUMBER | [numberoftimesrtq] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | finaldisposition | STRING | [finaldisposition] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | finaldispositionstamp | DATE | [finaldispositionstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | presentingtime | NUMBER | [presentingtime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | pcptime | NUMBER | [pcptime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | pcpfirstcode | STRING | [pcpfirstcode] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | waittime | NUMBER | [waittime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | nextaddress | STRING | [nextaddress] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | nextsegmentid | NUMBER | [nextsegmentid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | lasttreatmenttime | NUMBER | [lasttreatmenttime] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | lasttreatmentstamp | DATE | [lasttreatmentstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | treatment | STRING | [treatment] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | lasttreatmentid | NUMBER | [lasttreatmentid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | originatedstamp | DATE | [originatedstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contactoriginatedstamp | DATE | [contactoriginatedstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | custid | NUMBER | [custid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | sequenceid | NUMBER | [sequenceid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | guid | STRING | [guid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | ccmid | NUMBER | [ccmid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | date_key | NUMBER | [date_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillset_key | NUMBER | [skillset_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | app_key | NUMBER | [app_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | activity_key | NUMBER | [activity_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agent_key | NUMBER | [agent_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | providercontactid | NUMBER | [providercontactid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | intercallid | NUMBER | [intercallid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contacttype | STRING | [contacttype] | Yes | Yes | Contact Type |
CSR Stat | finaldispositioninterval | DATE | [finaldispositioninterval] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contacttypename | STRING | [contacttypename] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contactproximity | STRING | [contactproximity] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | priority | NUMBER | [priority] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | provider | STRING | [provider] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | siteid | NUMBER | [siteid] | Yes | Yes | Site ID |
CSR Stat | sitename | STRING | [sitename] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | remotesiteid | NUMBER | [remotesiteid] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | remotesitename | STRING | [remotesitename] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | originator | STRING | [originator] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | address | STRING | [address] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | routepoint | STRING | [routepoint] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | applicationid | NUMBER | [applicationid] | Yes | Yes | Application ID |
CSR Stat | applicationname | STRING | [applicationname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | sourceapplicationname | STRING | [sourceapplicationname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | applicationstartstamp | DATE | [applicationstartstamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contactsubtype | STRING | [contactsubtype] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | serviceinterval | DATE | [serviceinterval] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | time_key | NUMBER | [time_key] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | disconnectsource | STRING | [disconnectsource] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | originatedinterval_utc | STRING | [originatedinterval_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | serviceinterval_utc | STRING | [serviceinterval_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | finaldispositioninterval_utc | STRING | [finaldispositioninterval_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | finaldispositionstamp_utc | STRING | [finaldispositionstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillsetqueuedstamp_utc | STRING | [skillsetqueuedstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | applicationstartstamp_utc | STRING | [applicationstartstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | contactoriginatedstamp_utc | STRING | [contactoriginatedstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | originatedstamp_utc | STRING | [originatedstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | updated_timestamp | DATE | [updated_timestamp] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | activity_shortname | STRING | [activity_shortname] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | activity_name | STRING | [activity_name] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agent_comment | STRING | [agent_comment] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agent_title | STRING | [agent_title] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | lasttreatmentstamp_utc | STRING | [lasttreatmentstamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillset_comment | STRING | [skillset_comment] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | agent_department | STRING | [agent_department] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | numcontactobserves | NUMBER | [numcontactobserves] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | numcontactbargeins | NUMBER | [numcontactbargeins] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | anchoredmediaserver | STRING | [anchoredmediaserver] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | preferredmediaserverresult | STRING | [preferredmediaserverresult] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | preferredmediaserverresultdesc | STRING | [preferredmediaserverresultdesc] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | preferredmediaserver | STRING | [preferredmediaserver] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | application_servicelevel_threshold | NUMBER | [application_servicelevel_threshold] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | application_callbycall | NUMBER | [application_callbycall] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | is_network | STRING | [is_network] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillset_activitycode | STRING | [skillset_activitycode] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillset_nightservice_type | STRING | [skillset_nightservice_type] | Yes | No | |
CSR Stat | skillset_contact_name | STRING | [skillset_contact_name] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_maxanswereddelay | NUMBER | [skill_maxanswereddelay] | Yes | Yes | Skill Max Calls Answered Delay |
Skillset Stat | skill_time | STRING | [skill_time] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_totalstaffedtime | NUMBER | [skill_totalstaffedtime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Total Staffed Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_netcallsanswered | NUMBER | [skill_netcallsanswered] | No | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_maxskillsetabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [skill_maxskillsetabandoneddelay] | Yes | Yes | Skill Max Calls Abandoned Delay |
Skillset Stat | skill_siteid | NUMBER | [skill_siteid] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_skillsetabandonedaftthreshold | NUMBER | [skill_skillsetabandonedaftthreshold] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Abandoned After Threshold |
Skillset Stat | skill_allagentbusytime | NUMBER | [skill_allagentbusytime] | Yes | Yes | Skill All Agent Busy Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_skillsetabandoned | NUMBER | [skill_skillsetabandoned] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Abandoned |
Skillset Stat | skill_callsoffered | NUMBER | [skill_callsoffered] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Offered |
Skillset Stat | skill_callsanswereddelay | NUMBER | [skill_callsanswereddelay] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Answered Delay |
Skillset Stat | skill_callsansweredafterthreshold | NUMBER | [skill_callsansweredafterthreshold] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Answered After Threshold |
Skillset Stat | skill_callsanswered | NUMBER | [skill_callsanswered] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Answered |
Skillset Stat | skill_activetime | NUMBER | [skill_activetime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Active Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_site | STRING | [skill_site] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_skillsetabandoneddelay | NUMBER | [skill_skillsetabandoneddelay] | Yes | Yes | Skill Calls Abandoned Delay |
Skillset Stat | skill_virtualcallsoffered | NUMBER | [skill_virtualcallsoffered] | No | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_maxcapacityidletime | STRING | [skill_maxcapacityidletime] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_postcallprocessingtime | NUMBER | [skill_postcallprocessingtime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Post Call Processing Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_timestamp_utc | DATE | [skill_timestamp_utc] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skillsetid | NUMBER | [skillsetid] | Yes | Yes | Skillset ID |
Skillset Stat | skillset | STRING | [skillset] | Yes | Yes | Skillset |
Skillset Stat | applicationid | NUMBER | [applicationid] | Yes | Yes | Application ID |
Skillset Stat | skill_maxcapacitytotalstaffedtime | STRING | [skill_maxcapacitytotalstaffedtime] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_virtualcallsabnaftthreshold | STRING | [skill_virtualcallsabnaftthreshold] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_contacttype | STRING | [skill_contacttype] | Yes | Yes | Skill ContactType |
Skillset Stat | skill_virtualcallsabandoned | NUMBER | [skill_virtualcallsabandoned] | No | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_notreadytime | STRING | [skill_notreadytime] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | updated_timestamp | STRING | [updated_timestamp] | No | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_sitedb | STRING | [skill_sitedb] | Yes | No | |
Skillset Stat | sitedb | STRING | [sitedb] | No | No | |
Skillset Stat | skill_dnoutintcallstalktime | NUMBER | [skill_dnoutintcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Outgoing Internal DN Calls Talk Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_dnoutextcallstalktime | NUMBER | [skill_dnoutextcallstalktime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Outgoing External DN Calls Talk Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_waittime | NUMBER | [skill_waittime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Wait Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_talktime | NUMBER | [skill_talktime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Talk Time |
Skillset Stat | skill_idletime | NUMBER | [skill_idletime] | Yes | Yes | Skill Idle time |
Skillset Stat | application | STRING | [application] | Yes | Yes | Application |