Agent Statistics report

This report shows statistics which are not related to any particular queue, such as ready time and direct calls, per agent. The data is displayed per day and interval.

The report answers questions like:

  • What are the basic stats for team A, broken down by agent and by interval, and regardless of which queue the contact came in on?

Use the Not defined option in the team selection to show logged data which is not connected to any agent and team.

Page location

WFM > Reports > Agent statistics

This feature is available to Calabrio GovSuite users.

Fields in this report

Field Description

Logged in time

The total time when the agent is logged in to the ACD platform. All logged in time is either ready time or not ready time and this is defined by the states which the agents are in.

Ready time

The total time when the agents are logged in on the ACD platform and are in one of the ready states. The ready states are for example when they are ready to take a call, in a call or doing after call work.

Not ready time

The total time when agents are logged in on the ACD platform but are in a not ready state. Not ready states are states where the agent is for example paused or doing admin work.

Idle time

The total time agents spend waiting for a customer call. The information is based on the states which are logged from the ACD platform. Idle time is considered to be ready time.

Admin time

The total time agents spend on administrative tasks. The information is based on the states which are logged from the ACD platform.

Direct outbound calls

The number of outgoing calls made by an agent. Depending on the ACD platform used, this measure might not include outbound calls that were unanswered.

Direct outbound calls talk time

The total time agents spend talking in outgoing calls made by an agent.

Direct incoming calls

The number of calls made directly to an agent, not through a queue.

Direct incoming calls talk time

The total time that agents spend in calls made directly to an agent, not through a queue.

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